I was so proud of
Marleigh. She slept through the night both Monday & Tuesday night. She wasn't spitting up & her reflux wasn't bothering her. That came to an end in a big way Wednesday night. Her reflux was really bothering her. She was refusing to go to sleep. As if that wasn't bad enough, I had a horrible headache.
Marleigh was
exhausted, but kept fighting me to go to sleep. My headache kept getting worse. I finally threw up. By this point, I needed some help. I called Grandma & she came right in. We finally got
Marleigh to bed at 1:00am. Normally, she goes to sleep around 8:30 or so. Thursday night was about the same minus my headache. I came to the conclusion that it was probably the pear juice. The juice has some acid in it. I think it was upsetting her tummy. I don't think it was helping anyway.
Today when I got home from work (oh yeah... I'll get to that in a minute),
Marleigh was trying to have a bowel movement. I gave her a suppository. Nada. She pushed & cried & screamed. Nada. Without going into too many details, Grandma & I helped her get some relief. It just breaks my heart when I know she is in pain. Once again, I called the pediatrician. The told me to bring her in at 3:30.
We got to the office right at 3:30. We sat in the waiting room until 4:45! I fully understand they are busy, & I was trying to be patient, but SERIOUSLY!!! Waiting with a baby for an hour and fifteen minutes?!? I ended up feeding her a bottle in the waiting room. Dr. Williams wants us to try a little Caro syrup for a few days. If that doesn't work by Tuesday, then he said he will have to put her on some
meds. He's not sure that the Caro syrup won't upset her tummy, so that may be an added bonus! (do you sense the sarcasm?)
Marleigh did NOT have any juice today. I had her asleep by 8:15. She hasn't made a peep (knock on wood) & it is now 10:00. Thank you, God, for letting her have a peaceful night! At least so far.
Did I mention that I am working again?!? I was very torn about whether or not I wanted to go back to work. I love being a financial advisor, but love spending time with
Marleigh. I am so thankful to have been home with
Marleigh the last few months. I am also excited to go back to work. I like to work. I am very social & like adult interaction. What sealed the deal is that my cousin, Jenni, will be watching
Marleigh. No daycare! Just Jenni, Mason (her little boy), &
Marleigh! How incredibly lucky are we?!? Starting Monday, we'll take
Marleigh out to her. Yesterday & today, Grandma watched her. I am now working at
VonFeldt, Bauer, &
VonFeldt as an accountant. For right now, I'm working part time. The past couple of days have been great! I've worked with them all before & love it there! I'm also going to opening my own investment business in the future. I am so excited about that! Marc has been so supportive. He told me to do what makes me happy. If I want to work, fine. If I want to stay home, fine. Marc &
Marleigh sent me flowers on my first day. :) What a great husband!
Okay... now that this is a book, I'm going to bed! Congrats if you made it this far!