Friday, December 31, 2010

Sick during Christmas

On Wednesday, the 22nd, Jenni called me to tell me that Marleigh was running a fever and not acting like herself. She wasn't eating very well, and very cranky. Marleigh's fever got up to 102.8, so we decided with the holidays coming, we would take her to the doctor. It took what seemed like forever at the doctor's office. The doctor thought Marleigh had strep. Finally, at about 7:15pm, we walked out the door with our prescription for amoxicillin in hand. We tried both Walgreens and Wal-Mart in Great Bend, but both were already closed for the night. With her fever being high and her not eating, I really wanted to get Marleigh started on her antiobiotic that night. As much as I hated to, I called our local pharmacist, Brian Reed. He is such a nice guy. He ran down to the pharmacy and filled her prescription. The next morning her fever was down. We thought things were getting back to normal. She still wasn't wanting to eat much, but we chalked it up to her throat still being sore. By Friday (Christmas Eve) she still wasn't wanting to eat much. Now, she was also very gassy, and just wasn't her normal happy little self. Her diapers were horribly potent. Christmas Eve night was awful. She was up most of the night. She would only sleep if one of us held her. Christmas Day & night brought more of the same. You could tell that she just didn't feel good. Sunday, was a crappy day. Literally. I think I changed 8-9 dirty diapers. Everytime she would have a bowel movement, she would come running to me saying, "poopy, hurt." It was so nasty it was burning her little bottom. I had been suspicious the antiobiotic was tearing up her tummy. Marleigh has always had a sensitive stomach. Marc & I decided to stop giving it to her. We were going to call the doctor Monday morning. Sunday night she FINALLY got a good nights sleep. It has taken her another 3 days, but now she is back to our sweet little girl. We're sooooooo glad! It was not a fun few days at the Johnson house!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Johnson Christmas

The weekend before Christmas we traveled back to Mound City to have our Johnson Christmas. Although not all the family was there, we had a fabulous time. Aunt Myra had just started a new job and wasn't able to take off. We greatly missed her. Marc's oldest sister, Michaela, and her family weren't able to come until late Saturday night due to pink eye, but we still all got to open presents together on Sunday morning. Marc & I were very proud of Marleigh. She was such a good girl for the entire trip.

Marleigh got lots of great presents, but she particularly like the two baby dolls. She picked them both up and was loving on them. It was priceless! I helped Marleigh open her presents, so we didn't manage to get many pictures, but here are a few.

Marleigh opening a pretty dress from Grandma and Grandpa.

Loving on her baby doll.

Keira with a sack on her head. (Notice her big sister's hand on top of the sack! ha ha!!!)

Keira opening a present.

Reese with one of her presents.

I didn't realize it until we got home, but somehow, we didn't get a picture of Brinley, our other niece. :( We also never managed to get all the girls to hold still long enough for a picture. They're all way too busy!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Big news!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Just have a few minutes, but wanted to update with our big news.....

We're having a baby!!!

Baby Johnson #3 is due July 23, 2011. We are beyond thrilled!


I promise to post about our holidays in the next day or two!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time flies

I am not sure where the last 10 days have gone!

I was gone Wednesday through Friday last week for tax school. (Ugh.... I'm not ready for tax season again!) I think Daddy & Marleigh had fun without Mom being home. Daddy isn't near as uptight and precautious as I am. He jokes all the time that I am way too overprotective. He's probably right!

Saturday we headed to Hutch for Luke's 3rd birthday party. It was fun. The kids had a good time playing and laughing together.

Last night Aunt Myra was over. Marleigh had been asking about her. As soon as Aunt Myra got on the floor, it was on. Marleigh was crawling and hanging all over her. Myra was playing with her and being funny. Marleigh was laughing and said, "Silly, Myra!" It was cute.

We head back to Mound City for Christmas with our Johnson side of the family this weekend. I can't wait for all the excitement of Christmas with a 4 year old, and 3 girls under the age of 2! I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to share when we get back!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Neglected Blog

I'm so sorry that it has been so long since my last post. We have been very busy!

We've been to a KSU game, Marc was in Florida for a week, Marleigh was sick, I was sick, we bought and moved into our new house, hosted Thanksgiving, and.... well, I guess that is it!

Marleigh is continuing to amaze us every day. She is now counting to 10! Her vocabulary is increasing rapidly as well.

I don't have much time, but I will share one cute story. Anytime Marleigh falls or gets a booboo, I give her a quick hug and tell her, "you're okay." As I mentioned, I have been sick. Whenever I cough, she comes running, lays her head on me or hugs my leg and says, "you're okay." She is just the sweetest little girl ever.

I promise I'll post again soon! :)