Friday, July 27, 2012

"Is your all on the altar?"

I have a Precious Moments Bible that I got when I was just a little girl.  I still keep it in the nightstand beside our bed.  I love to look at the illistrations and the descriptions that are through out it. 

One of the pictures has a saying underneath it:  "Is your all on the altar?"  While I'm sure that can be taken in a few different ways, it has really been speaking to me in one particular way.

The past few days, that question has been echoing in my heart.  "Is MY all on the altar?"  As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been a little stressed lately.  I found a lot of my time with God has been about what has been worrying me.  I've been putting my stresses and concerns on the altar. Turning those aspects over to Him.  But what about everything else?  Yes, I am a Christian.  I have already given my heart and soul to the Lord, but am I consistently, intentionally, and entirely laying them before God on the altar? 

I found that often, when things are going good in a certain area of my life, I am a little lax about that particular part of my life. Too often, I find myself focused with the "problem" areas when it comes to my time with the Lord.  But God doesn't want just part of me.  He doesn't just want my worries.  He wants my all on the altar, all of the time. 

There is nothing better to bring to Him as an offering, than my whole self, all aspects of my life.  I am now focusing everyday on consistently, intentionally, and entirely putting my all on the altar.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A few random things....

Kade had his 1 year check up last week.  He remains off the charts in all categories.  He is 32.5 inches tall, and weighed 32lbs 9oz.  He is also walking everywhere now!  :)


The last couple of weeks have been just a little stressful for me.  I had continuing education due for my Securities License, was studying for the exam(s) to become an Enrolled Agent to practice before the IRS, and taking a college class this summer (someday in the future, I MAY sit for my CPA, and it requires 150 college credit hours, which is more than I had when I got my degree).  I am so happy to report that yesterday, I passed the last part of the EA.  Woo hoo!  College class will be over tonight!  I am so looking forward to a few weeks of free evenings.  I've been spending every evening after the kids go to bed either studying or doing homework. 


I can't tell you how excited I am for the weekend to get here.  We have a family reunion on Marc's side.  Friday, we are all meeting up at a little water park in Salina.  I can not wait to see everyone and have fun in the sun!  This will be our first chance to meet our sweet niece, Emersyn!  I'm sure I'll have many pictures to share!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First First Birthday Party

 Kade is a lucky little boy.  He gets TWO first birthday parties.  On the Johnson side, he has 4 cousins that also have June/July birthdays.  We have a family reunion in a couple of weeks, so we decided to celebrate all their birthdays together then.  So this past weekend, we celebrated with the Cline side.  We had a pool party in the backyard, then grilled burgers and hotdogs.    It was so much fun! 

His present from Daddy, Mommy, and Marleigh.  LOVED it!

He thoroughly enjoyed his smash cake!
Love that little boy! 

Big sister enjoyed her cupcake as well! 

The blue frosting was a hit!  And just a bit messy!  ;)

Can't wait for all the fun with the Johnson side here in a couple of weeks!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kade is 1!

Kade Robert-

How can it be that a whole year has passed since you were born?  You have changed so much over the past year.  It has been my privilege to be your Mommy! 

You are such a big boy!  At the doctor on Monday, you weighed 32lbs 13oz.  You have officially surpassed Sissy in the weight department.  Currently, you are barely still wearing 24 month clothes, but not for much longer. 

You are a fantasitc eater.  If I don't feed you fast enough, you let me know with grunts that escalate to yelling if I don't hurry up.  I have yet to find a food that you don't like.  You still eat quite a bit of baby food, but are eating more and more table foods everyday. 

A main reason for eating more table food is you are FINALLY getting more teeth!  For the past 5 months, you have only had your bottom two teeth.  Within the last week, you have gotten 3 more teeth, and are working on about 3 more! 

On the 4th of July, you took your very first step.  You are now taking quite a few.  We love to watch you.  If you don't think about it, you can walk around pretty good, but as soon as you realize what you're doing, you sit down and laugh.  You are pretty proud of yourself when you walk around.  We are, too! 

You continue to be the happiest little boy.  It doesn't take much at all to get you to smile and laugh.  You  love your big sister.  You want to be near her all the time, and doing whatever it is she is doing.  She takes great care of you and watches out for you.  Daddy calls her a little "mother hen", because she is always so concerned about you.  You also love to roughhouse with Daddy.  You squeal and laugh when Daddy tosses your around. 

Kade, you are so ornery!  You are fascinated with everything and want to know how it works, and/or take it apart.  I love that you are so inquisitive.  It keeps me on my toes.  You like to laugh at us when we tell you no.  The other day, you were rattling the baby gate that leads to the basement.  I told you, "No, Kade!"  You turned, smiled at me, then rattled the gate even harder.  I think we might have a few things to work on.  :)

You are saying just a few words now.  "Mama, Dada, no, yes, ball, and bath", although the last two sound very similar.   You are a little parrot.  If we say something, you try to imitate us.  It is adorable.

Kade, it was just a little over a year ago that I can remember thinking, "Man.  I'm a little nervous.  I know what to expect with a little girl. A boy is so different."  And you know what?  It is completely different!  And, I love it!  I love the differences between you and your sister.  You are the perfect final piece to our family.  God knew exactly what we needed to complete our family, and I am so thankful for you.  Love you, baby boy!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Two More Lake Weekends

The past two weekends, we have spent at the lake.  I am very proud to announce, that "Super Mom"  did NOT make an appearance!  We had such a good time.  The kids love to swim and splash in the water.  Marleigh and I went tubing together.  I love how much they love the lake already!

Marc, Kade, and I did end up coming home early yesterday.  Kade had a very rough night Saturday night, and was very snotty-nosed Sunday morning.  You could tell by looking at him that he just didn't feel well at all.  I took him to the doctor this morning, and the poor little guy has a sinus infection.  We got some meds, so hopefully he'll be good as new in a day or two!  He better be.... he turns ONE on Sunday! 

My parents offered to keep Marleigh yesterday at the lake.  When she got home last night, she was bouncing off the walls.  Talking a mile a minute about all the fun she had at the lake. Thanks, Papa and Gigi!

 I've got some more pictures to share from our time at the lake, but they will have to wait.  Kade is FINALLY sleeping and I've got a mountain of laundry calling my name.