Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marleigh's new camera

I promise to post more about our Christmas soon, but couldn't resist sharing some pictures from Marleigh's new camera she got for Christmas.  Not the best quality images, but she LOVES it.  She's already taken over 175 pictures.  Here's a few favorites. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Marleigh update

Marleigh's doctor appointment last week was a bit frustrating.  The doctor just kept saying over and over, "I do not see a malnourished child."  I understand that.  She isn't malnourished.  But the doctor didn't seem to be listening to me when I told her we have to force her to eat, and that she gags often.  The doctor wanted Marleigh to do a barium swallow X-ray (which I don't foresee happening.  I don't think Marleigh will drink that stuff.) and treat Marleigh for reflux.  So, we'll try to get the barium X-ray done sometime soon.

The doctor also said not to force her to eat at all for the next month and see what happens.  I can tell you what is going to happen.  She will lose weight.  I'm trying to give the doctor the benefit of the doubt, but it is irritating when they only see the black and white and don't LISTEN to the patient/parent. 
I'll keep you posted!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa and Potties and Teeth, Oh My!

Kinda a hodge-podge of topics, but those are the three main ones at our house these days.

This is the first year that Marleigh really gets Christmas.  So far, it is only the commercialized side (lights on the house, Christmas tree, Santa, presents), but we have been reading many books about the real meaning of Christmas.  I'm sure that will come in time. 

A couple of weeks ago, Marleigh went with Marc to pick out and cut down our tree.  She talks about it all the time.  "Daddy and I picked out the prettiest tree, and he cut it down!"  I hope this is a tradition that we continue for many years to come! 

There is something so special about seeing the awe in a child's eyes when they see Christmas lights or the Christmas tree all lit up.  Marleigh was literally speechless the first time she saw our tree lit up in the dark.  Such a magical time of year! 

Yesterday, she wanted to "pretend it was Christmas" in order to open her presents that are under the tree.  What a stinker! We've gone through the packages a million times, and every time we come across one for her, she jumps up and down saying, "That one is for me!!!" 


Marleigh is finally beginning to potty train!  I am completely thrilled.  As I've said before, I haven't pushed the issue.  Almost every time we have tried, she will sit for a minute, hop up, and say, "Good try!"  The past few nights before her bath we have tried and success!  I cried I was so proud of her.  She praises herself, too.  "Good job going on the big girl potty, Marleigh!"  Then she claps for herself and runs around the house butt-naked screaming from the top of her lungs, "I pottied on the big girl potty!!!!"  Her little brother just looks at her like she is crazy!  Last night, I decided to try a little experiment.  We put on big girl undies after her bath.  She lasted about 45 minutes, then came running down the hallway, "I need to potty!!!!"  She had gone just a bit in her pants, but then stopped.  Daddy took her and she finished in the big girl potty.  Not 100% success, but I was happy that once she realized what she was doing, she stopped. 


Kade has been a drool bucket for the last few days.  More so than normal.  Last night around 11:00, he woke up crying, and trying to get anything in his mouth to chew on.  A little tooth was barely poking out.  Some orajel finally got him settled down, but he was up about every 30-45 minutes until around 5:00am.  By this morning, that little tooth and gone back down.  I wish there was an easier way to cut teeth!  Hopefully, it will decide to push on through quickly! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Marleigh's Poor Eating

Marleigh has never really been the best eater.  However, it is progressively getting worse.  I've heard many people say, "Don't worry, when she's hungry she'll eat." But she won't.  Even her favorite foods, she will only take a bite or two of.  In the past 2 years, she's only gained 6lbs, and this is with me pumping her full of pediasure.  Many times when she eats, she gags or even vomits.  She will only eat very small bites of food.  Frequently, when she swallows, it looks like it hurts. 

Frustrated, I asked the pediatrician.  I wasn't sure if there was something wrong, or we just had a picky eater.  He thought it was worth taking her to an ENT.  She has large tonsils, but he was also concerned that she may have either scar tissue from being intubated and extubated so much or that she has narrowing of the esophagus.

Our appointment with the ENT, Dr. Garcia,  was scheduled for this coming Monday.  However, they called me Tuesday and wanted to see her that afternoon.  The doctor agreed that she has "generous"  tonsils, but didn't think they were large enough to be causing problems.  He said he was very suspicious of scar tissue or narrowing of the esophagus, so he referred us to Dr. Zayat.  She is a pediatric gastroenterologist (Marleigh actually say her a little over 2 years ago when she was having so much tummy problems.)   Our appointment with Dr. Zayat is scheduled for Wednesday, the 21st.  Dr. Garcia believes that she will recommend scoping Marleigh.  Scoping her would require Marleigh to be sedated.  I am trying not to worry too much about it until we know for sure that is what is going to happen, but it is extremely hard. Please keep Marleigh and her doctor in your prayers.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A few nights ago...

After feeding Kade a few nights ago, I crawled back into bed around 2:30.  I had a rather strange experience.  I don't feel like I was totally awake, yet I wasn't asleep.  Memory after memory replayed in my mind.  It was more like I was reliving each one.  All of them were having to do with our kids and were very vivid and detailed.  As soon as one would start to fade, another would start.  They were completely random.

The first memory was the moment I heard Kade gasp as he was being born.  Nervously, I asked, "Is he okay?  Is he okay?"  The doctor said he was perfect.  A tear rolled down my cheek, then I heard a nurse say, "He has to be at least an eight and a half pounder!"

Another one was standing over Natalie's incubator anxiously on Valentine's Day when she breathed completely on her own for over two hours.  I was in complete awe of our little girl being so strong! 

Then there was the day we had our first ultrasound when I was pregnant with the girls.  The doctor wasn't even looking at the screen yet, and I saw what looked like to be to be two babies!  Once the doctor confirmed it, we were thrilled!

The day we got the call that Marleigh would need a spinal tap.  We were sitting at Texas Roadhouse for lunch and had just ordered.  We immediately left.  We were completely terrified. 

After we lost Natalie, I had nothing that fit to wear for her funeral.  We went to Dillards to try to find something for me to wear.  After a few minutes, I had a complete breakdown.  I was standing there crying because I shouldn't be having to shop for something to wear to my daughter's funeral.  I was crying because nothing seemed to be quite right. 

Just the other day, I had the kids in Marleigh's room.  She was dancing around to music and her little brother was laughing out loud at her.  I mean, he was belly laughing.  It was priceless. 

Marleigh's first birthday was the day that she finally was able to sit up on her own for the first time.  We were in the living room of our old house.  I was SO proud of her. 

Shortly after we brought Kade home (before he REALLY started to pack on the pounds), he was sleeping in the living room.  He looked so much like Natalie at that particular moment that it gave me goosebumps.

There were many, many more memories.  Some were happy and some weren't.  It went on for over three hours.  I'm not really sure what to make of it.  I felt like I was somewhere between awake and asleep.  As the memories wound down, I felt an immense peace and my heart was content.  Maybe it was a part of the grieving process.  Maybe it was part of the healing process.  Both are ongoing processes that will continue for the rest of my life.  Whatever it was, I am thankful for it.  God always knows just what our hearts need.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More funny things Marleigh says

If you are my friend on Facebook, you might have already heard about some of these, but they are too funny not to share with everyone!


Me:  Marleigh, could you please do me a favor and get me a burp rag out of Kade's room?
Marleigh (after running and getting one):  Here, Mom.  Does this one match his outfit?


Marleigh was supposed to be going to sleep one night, but she was just talking away in her room.
Me:  No Talking!
Marleigh:  Who, me?
Me:  Yes, you.  No Talking!!!
Marleigh:  Can I whisper?


One morning while I was brushing her hair.
Me:  Oh, honey, your hair is really knotty this morning.
Marleigh:  No, its not!  It is nice!!!


We were driving in the country the other day next to a wheat field.
Marleigh:  Mom, baby wheat is green.  When it gets old, it turns brown.
I mean really.... how smart is she?!?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Kade has Asthma

This past Friday night, Kade started coughing again in the middle of the night.  He coughed for 2 hours straight 3 different times.  Poor little guy was just exhausted.  Worried it might be croup again, I took him to the doctor Saturday morning. 

The doctor asked a bunch of questions and listened to Kade.  Both times he had these coughing episodes, he never ran a fever, and appeared to feel just fine.  For quite some time Kade would sound rattly off and on.  He also seems to be a bit congested most of the time.  He said Kade's lungs were clear, but sounded tight.  The doctor then said he was very suspicious that Kade has asthma.  There is no real way to test to see if he for sure has asthma or not, so he opted to treat him as if he did have it and reevaluate in 2 weeks.  He prescribed albuterol and an inhaled steroid.  After the first treatment, Kade sounded so much better.  He was so worn out from the night before, that he took a 3.5 hour nap.  That is completely unheard of.  The treatment has worked.  Kade has coughed occasionally, but not the nonstop hacking.  We are fairly sure the doctor was right, and now just hope it can be easily managed and he will grow out of it. 

This brings me to my plea:  We have a VERY sweet, lovable, 7 year old, female cat that needs a new home ASAP.  She is a grey and black tabby, and strictly an indoor cat.  She is one of the nicest cats I've ever been around.  I just don't have the heart to take her to the humane society, but we can NOT keep her if there is a chance that she could trigger his asthma.  I am begging anyone that could possibly take her to at least come meet her.  You'll fall in love.  If you live far away, we'll bring her to you. Thank you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Just some pictures

Grandma and Marleigh playing in her room. 

For some reason, Marleigh does NOT want to smile for the camera lately.

Snuggling with my kids first thing in the morning. No better way to start a day!!!

It was awfully quiet one evening.  Here's how I found them. 

Daddy and his kids.

I was checking to see if he had any teeth poking through.  Apparently, it was HILARIOUS! 

Our happy boy!