Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kade Johnson: Man Child

Kade has never really been a small baby, but keeps growing faster and faster.  We keep saying, "surely he will slow down."  Apparently not!  :)

Sunday at the ER, the doctor walked in and was checking Kade over.  He commented on how strong and "healthy" he was.  Then he asked us if Kade was starting to walk.  I told him, "He's only 4 months old."  The doctor gave me a strange look, and then looked to Marc like he couldn't believe Kade was really 4 months old.

Yesterday was Kade's 4 month checkup.  He weighed 21lbs 11oz.  That is way off the charts.  (I think about 19lbs is the 98th percentile.)  He was 26.5inches long, which is in the 98th percentile, and his head cirumference was 44.8cm, which is about in the 98th percentile as well. I love that he is thriving and growing.

Karen, my FAVORITE ARNP, thought Kade was very advanced.  Of course, I thought that, but it always feels good to hear it from someone else.  She said he acted more like a 6 month old....very alert, very social, and incredibly strong.  Karen is the sweetest person ever.  She always makes you feel like you are her first priority and that she really cares about you and your child. 

Oh, and chubby bubby rolled over from back to front.  So far only once.  I actually think it was purely by accident, but he did it!  He was straining to turn to watch Sissy.  Well... when you get that much weight behind you and you make a sudden move, you roll over!   He had a shocked/scared/intrigued look on his face.  I have tried to get him to roll over since then with no luck.  I'm not going to rush him, he's already growing up too fast!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Catching up

I'll try not to bore you with all the mundane details, but the last 2 weeks have been crazy.

Marc was gone for work the 7th through the 9th.  Grandma and Grandpa Johnson had a funeral in Western Kansas, so we got to see them the 9th and 10th.  Marleigh had so much fun playing with Grandma!  I've got a couple of pictures of them playing in Marleigh's room, that I'll share sometime soon (I hope!).  Kade was all smiles for Grandpa.  We don't get to see them as much as we would like, so it was nice to have them here for a couple of days.

Marc was gone for work again the 14th through 18th (or what was supposed to be the 18th).  On Monday night, the 14th, Kade coughed a horrible dry cough all night.  I took him to the doctor on Tuesday and he had croup.  Poor baby!  He was doing better the next day, so I left for my tax school.  Marleigh and Kade were going to be staying with my parents, since Marc and I were gone for work.  Thursday, the 17th, my beautiful new niece, Zoey Jane made her appearance into the world.  She was a couple of weeks early, but perfectly healthy weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 20.5 inches long.  Love her so much already!!!  That meant that someone needed to come home to take the kiddos.  I really had to stay at tax school, so Daddy came home early.

Let's see.... that  brings us up to this past Saturday.  Marc helped his sister Myra move to Manhatttan.  We are missing her like crazy already, but happy for her.  Kade didn't sleep much Saturday night.  He was up about every 45 minutes.  On Sunday afternoon, all of the sudden Kade started screaming and crying uncontrollably.  For 2.5 hours he cried.  He NEVER cries, so I told Marc we were taking him to the ER.  Glad we did.  He had a nasty ear infection.  He hasn't slept well the past 2 nights, making for 2 tired parents!   The good news is, he seems to be feeling better. 

Okay.... so that's why there hasn't been any posts in the last 2 weeks.  Hopefully things are quieting down a bit and we will get you back to your regularly scheduled programming postings.  :) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"How many children do you have?"

Yesterday, Kade and I had chiropractor appointments.  While we were waiting, a lady was commenting on how cute and how happy Kade was.  She asked is he was my first baby.  I told her that he had older twin sisters.  She then asked how old they were.  I explained that Marleigh was two and a half, but that we lost our other daughter when she was four weeks old.  The woman immediately looked down at her feet and said, "Oh.... I'm so sorry."  That was the end of our conversation. 

The woman at the chiropractor responded like most people do.  Usually, it is an awkward response, and the converstation ends.  I end up feeling bad for the person that asked about how many children I have.  How could they have known?  It is obvious that they don't know how to respond when I mention that one of my daughters is an angel.  Someone once said, "Well, it is easier to just say that you have two children, instead of trying to explain to a complete stranger."  I'm sorry, but the fact of the matter is, I have three kids.  I always will.  Natalie existed.  She is my daughter, but she just happens to be in heaven, now.  My answer will remain the same: "I have three children, but one of my daughters became an angel when she was 4 weeks old." 

I hate that it instantly changes how they look at me.  Instead of smiling at me, they now look at me with sorrow, or don't look at me at all. I hope people don't mistake why I always include Natalie.  It isn't for sympathy or pity.  I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable. I don't want people feeling sorry for us.  It is plain and simple.  Natalie is our daughter and will always be a very important part of our family. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Special moments

Every so often there are special moments.  Moments that you wish you could freeze and replay them.  My sweet little girl has given me two of those in the last week. 

Marc and I went to the KSU/OU game this past weekend.  My parents kept the kids for us.  Sunday morning, I went out to pick them up.  I told Marleigh it was time to pick up the toys, so that we could go home.  She picked up her toys, then went straight over to Gigi, wrapped her little arms around Gigi's neck and said, "Thank you so much for letting me stay.  I love you."  She then proceeded to do the same thing with Papa.  It was one of the sweetest things ever.


Marc has been gone on business all week.  Kade has worked himself into a schedule of going to bed around 7:30 every night, which means Marleigh entertains herself for about 15 minutes.  I always give Kade his night-night bottle in his room right before bed with the lights low.  We were just finishing up when there was the softest knock on his door.  Marleigh poked her head in and whispered, "Hey, Mom.  You forgot his blankie."  She then tiptoed into his room, and handed it to me.  She gave Kade a kiss and whispered, "Night, night, Kade.  Sleep tight."  She turned around, tiptoed out of his room, and gently closed the door.  Of course, Kade doesn't sleep with his blankie, but she didn't need to know that.  She knew that she always sleeps with her blankie and wanted her baby brother to have his to sleep with.  It made my heart swell. 


I am so grateful for Marleigh's sweet spirit and tender heart.  She has now fully embraced having a little brother, and loves him very much.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Visit from Aunt Monica and Aunt Myra

Aunt Myra recently moved back to Manhattan.  We are so sad she is not here in town, but thrilled for a new chapter in her life.  Not this past weekend, but the weekend before, both Aunt Myra and Aunt Monica came for a visit.  Marleigh had been begging to carve a jack o'lantern, so we did! 

Marleigh wasn't so sure about getting the "guts" out. 

Of course there were breaks for some swinging!

Carving pumpkins is INTENSE!!!

Happy Girl!

Daddy and Marleigh carving their pumpkin

Aunt Monica's on the left.  Daddy and Marleigh's on the right. 

Aunt Myra's pumpkin

Kade slept threw the entire pumpkin carving.  I'm sure he'll be in the middle of everything by this time next year! :)