Friday, April 30, 2010

Poor Daddy!

Marc usually gets Marleigh up in the mornings and changes her clothes while I get ready. That way, we are both ready and I can drop her by Jenni's house on my way to work. Marleigh has been working on a tooth on her upper right. It has been causing her to have some looser diapers. Well, Wednesday morning, while he was changing her, she had the mother load of dirty diapers. I had ran out to the Tahoe to get something and I came back in to Marc gagging, hollering for help, and holding Marleigh at arms length. It was all over her, her clothes, the carpet and Daddy. It was hard not to laugh at him. He almost lost it a couple of times. Marleigh was just smiling at him like, "what's wrong, Daddy?" I soooooo wish I would have had it on videotape.

Yesterday was my good friend Jami's birthday. Stephanie and I went over to Great Bend last night to have dinner with her. When I got home, Marleigh was asleep with Daddy on the couch, which I thought was really odd. Marc told me to look in the laundry room. His clothes were covered in vomit. Poor Daddy!!! He was trying to put her to bed and her teeth must have really upset her tummy, because she got sick ALL over him. It was everywhere. Since I was gone, he called Jenni and had her come over so he could get cleaned up. (Jenni is an angel, by the way!!!) Jenni said she has never seen that much puke on anyone before. After she got sick, Marleigh acted normal. They both said she was smiling and playing. Poor little thing. That tooth is really messing with her world!

Let's hope this random tooth hurries up and comes in! I'm not quite sure why it is coming in before her front teeth, but nothing we do at the Johnson house ever seems to be easy! ;)

And you might say a quick prayer for Marc. He's kind of gotten the crappy (and pukey) end of the deal the last few days! Ha ha!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Developmental Doctor

Monday we took Marleigh down to check her eyes and to see her developmental doctor. Her eyes were perfect which was great, but I was especially pleased with what the developmental doctor had to say.

The OT evaluated Marleigh first. She is about at a 12 month level in her gross motor skills. They were happy with that. She is crawling and pulling to stand (oh yeah!!!! we'll get to that later!). Her muscle tone was good as well. One of my most favorite things of the day was, "Marleigh DOES NOT have Cerebral Palsy. We can 100% rule it out." I was ecstatic to hear that! I have said many, many prayers that Marleigh wouldn't have CP. She was at risk for it from being so premature.

The actual doctor came in to evaluate Marleigh next. She is mostly in the 12 month range, but is at the 18 month range in a few areas! We simply could not be any prouder of her! That is unheard of! Her verbal and problem solving skills are exceptional! The words she will say is: no no, Dada, Mama, baba, kitty, bye, and sometimes papa. But she understands so much more! I will ask her for her horsey out of her barnyard animals and she will find the horse. She also knows where her toes are. The doctor did a few activities with Marleigh. She first rang a bell, then set plexiglass between Marleigh and the bell. She first tried to grab it through the plexiglass, and that didn't work. She studied the plexiglass, then reached for it, pulled it to her and then grabbed the bell. She then put a tiny piece of balled up paper out for Marleigh to grab. With her index finger and thumb only, she picked them up with both her right and left hands. She was very delicate and precise. Again, this is a skill set of an 18 month old! There were a few others, but you get the drift.

The doctor and I talked and she has no concerns at all with Marleigh. At this point, they usually like to see babies every 6 months, but with as well as Marleigh is doing, we get to wait a whole year! At that point, if she is still doing as well as she is now, we won't have to go back.

I know I'm being one of those mothers that thinks their child is the smartest kid in the world and totally bragging, but I can't help it. Marleigh is incredible!

Oh... and Sunday night Marleigh pulled herself up for the first time! She pulled herself up on the couch. Now that's ALL she wants to do. And watch out.... if you're sitting on the floor, then you're fair game. She'll maul you! She used my head/hair last night to pull herself up!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Not a whole lot new go report. So why not just post some pictures?!?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One year out!

We have now been home for one year. Man, how time flies! In some ways it seems like just yesterday we were strapping our little, 4lb 13oz baby into her car seat to head home. I remember how tiny she looked. Her car seat seemed to swallow her up! We were full of so many emotions: excitement, happiness, nervousness, and of course there was sadness, too. We never could have dreamed that Marleigh would do so well once we got home. She did have some tummy troubles, but I would gladly take that over some of the other issues she could have. God has richly blessed us!

A friend of mine has a little boy, and he was talking about his "hero" (some cartoon character that I'm not familiar with). I was asking him about it, and he asked who my hero is. I told him it is Marleigh. He giggle and said, "a baby can't be a hero!" But she is. She has been through so much in her short life, and has taken it all in stride. She had such a will to live from the get go, and has the happiest attitude. She never ceases to amaze me at what she has accomplished in the past year. Everyday she is learning something new. Marc and I could not be any prouder of our beautiful daughter.


Speaking of learning something new.... Marleigh now blows kisses. I'll tell her, "Mommy's going bye-bye, blow me kisses." She'll put her little hand up to her mouth, smack, and then blow the kiss (okay, so she doesn't physically blow, but she extends her arm). It just melts my heart!


I am so excited for what the next year will have in store for our family. We have big plans this summer for plenty of pool time as well as going to the lake with Papa and Grandma! We also have trips planned to Missouri to see Marc's oldest sister, Michaela, and her family, as well as to KC so that Marleigh can watch her first Royals game! :)

I know we have said it many times before, but we are so grateful for such supportive family and friends. I don't know how we would have made it the past 15 months without all of you! Oh, and if you would like, leave a comment, please. Last year about this time, I printed out Marleigh and Natalie's caringbridge website for Marleigh to have as a keepsake. I plan on doing that every year. Kind of as a baby book/journal/keepsake for Marleigh. So, if you would, leave a little comment for Miss Marleigh! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rough weekend

Marleigh has officially now been sick. We made it almost one year after being released from the hospital, which is amazing. Thursday, when I picked Marleigh up at Jenni's, she was a little snotty nosed. That night she didn't sleep well at all and started running a fever. Poor little thing couldn't breathe when she was laying down, so Daddy and I took turns holding her all night while she slept. Her fever peaked at 102, but was consistently in the 100.50-101.50 for about 36 hours even on tylenol and motrin. Marleigh is such a happy baby, though. Even while she was sick, she wasn't overly fussy. She was just more cuddly than normal. We had to hold her again Friday night and Saturday night in order for her to get any sleep. By Sunday, she was feeling better, although she wasn't quite 100% yet. She went down for a nap Sunday morning at 9:00, and didn't wake up until 10:45 which is very unusual. Our normal naps are 45 minutes. So, our cute Easter dress that we bought will have to be worn a week late. With her not feeling well, I couldn't bring myself to wake her up. We did go out to Grandpa and Grandma Cline's for lunch. Luke hunted eggs while Marleigh watched and took it all in. We had a nice time with them. Sunday evening Aunt Myra came over. We grilled and had a nice Easter dinner.

Marleigh was much better yesterday. So much better, that for the first time EVER, Marleigh slept through the night! I'm so excited I might throw a party! I have been waiting for the day she would sleep all night. I hope it wasn't a fluke!!!