Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving. We were out at Grandpa & Grandma Cline's house. Shannon, Kyle, & Luke were there, as well. Marleigh was in a great mood. She had smiles for everyone. She even held her bottle all by herself for the first time! The only way it would have been a better holiday was if we got to see our Johnson family. We missed them all! Can't wait for Christmas! :)

Marleigh is getting so talkative. Her latest is "dadada da da..... DA!" Not sure if she really realizes that Marc is dada, but I swear the other day he walked in, she smiled, then said, "Dada." She is laughing outloud more & more. She is almost sitting up completely on her own now, too! It seems like she is progressing so fast! She likes to stand up. I just know that she is going to walk before she crawls. With her tummy issues, she doesn't get a whole lot of tummy time. She also LOVES her solids! We have finally found one food that she doesn't like. I had hesitated to give her peas because they seem so gross to me. Well, now I know why. She does not care for peas. It is the only thing so far that she has spit out. She's also not a huge fan of fruits, which I find weird. I've always heard, "feed your baby veggies first, because after they taste the sweetness of fruit, they won't eat the veggies." Marleigh would prefer to eat veggies only. Just one more thing that... nobody told Marleigh! Ha ha!!! :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My first night away.

Thursday & Friday I had a tax meeting in Wichita. It was my first night away from Marleigh since we've been home. It was a little hard leaving, but it wasn't too bad. Marc had meetings in Wichita as well, so Marleigh spent the night at Grandpa & Grandma's house. I think they had a ball together! :)

I've been promising picures, so here's a link. There's just a few.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who needs teething rings when you have socks?!?

Marleigh hates teething rings. You try to put one in her mouth & she makes a sour face. Socks, on the other hand, are the greatest thing since sliced bread! Marleigh pulls them off just a bit then chomps on them. Her socks wind up soaking wet, but it is pretty cute to watch her! I am so hoping these 5 teeth she's working on break through soon!

I'm also hoping that my wisdom tooth doesn't! I went to the dentist last week & I have a wisdom tooth almost to break through my gum. Seriously... who gets their wisdom teeth at 28? The hygienist was laughing at me. She said most people get them in their teens. So, both Marleigh & Mom are teething. Crazy!

Marc headed up to the K-State game Saturday morning. I decided to stay home with Marleigh. Shannon & Luke were going to be home alone, so we kidnapped grandma & went to see them in Hutch. The kids had fun playing together. Marleigh just watches everything Luke does & smiles at him. Luke loves to take care of Marleigh. Luke had a birthday party to go to, so we were going to leave shortly after they left for the party. I was telling him goodbye & told him I would see him at Thanksgiving. He hugged me & said, "K, Sarah. You drive careful. Love you." What a little sweetheart!


It's snowing! Marleigh's first snow at home. I absolutely love snow! If we only had a fireplace & I could stay home cuddled up with Marleigh tomorrow....

Today is Grandma Johnson's birthday. Happy birthday!!!! Your card is in the mail... just a day or two late! Sorry!!!


I have so many new pictures I need to upload. I promise to get to them in the next few days!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm such a bad blogger!

I can't believe it has been 10 days since I last posted! So much has been going on.

Marleigh had an appointment with her gastroenterologist Monday. Daddy had to be gone for meetings, so once again, grandma was nice enough to go with us. It was a quick trip. Pretty much down to the doctor and back. Marleigh was such a show off for Dr. Zayat. We had to get her naked. She laid on the examing table, smiling and laughing. She'd roll over, look up, and grin. It was adorable! Dr. Zayat said that Marleigh should be the Gerber baby! Of course, I totally agreed. Okay... now about her appointment. Marleigh is doing great! Dr. Z said Marleigh could have as much baby food as she wants. We are to start on fruits as well. I'm so glad her tummy is FINALLY cooperating!

Pears! Both last night & tonight Marleigh had her veggies, then she had pears. She loves them! She's also eating veggies in the morning. Baby girl loves her solid food!


Saturday, we went up to the KU/K-State game. It was so much fun! My sister, as well as our old college roommate, Nellie, went with us. Jaeson & Gunnar went as well. Gunnar has so much fun at the games. Good times were had by all!

Lately, Marleigh has been really into whatever we are eating or drinking. Sunday, Marleigh was sitting with Marc on the couch. He had his coffee sitting on the end table. He reached over to pick it up. Marleigh did everything in her power to get her hands on the cup. She was basically rolling over & sitting up trying to get her little paws on it.

Tonight, Marc was holding Marleigh. Music came on the TV so he started dancing with her. I started dancing around too, acting like an idiot. Marleigh thought it was the funniest thing in the world. She was giggling nonstop. We couldn't stop laughing at her laughing!

Speaking of laughing... sneezes are the funniest thing EVER! Marleigh will sneeze then laugh at herself. Or I'll sneeze, & she'll about bust a gut.

It seems like everyday is better than the last. Marleigh is doing more & more. Her tummy seems to be doing better. Her reflux still bothers her some days, but not near as much as it used to. She is just the happiest little girl ever.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Marleigh is an exhibitionist!

Marleigh is not a fan of wearing clothes. She can be fussy, and as soon as you take her clothes off, she is perfectly happy. It's like you flip a switch. When she is naked, she is all smiles. Tonight we were changing her clothes for bed. We were letting her play naked for a little bit. She was talking and cooing, playing with her toes. I walked into the kitchen to start her bottle. Marc was in the living room with her. He hollered at me to come see what our daughter had done. The little stinker had taken half her diaper off and was working on the other side! She just looked at us and smiled. I think we may have our hands full in a few years trying to keep clothes on her!


Marleigh is also not a fan of her Halloween costume! She was a pea pod. It was adorable, but she didn't seem to think so. I took a few pictures I'll add in the next few days. She was the cutest pea pod I have ever seen! Saturday night, after Marleigh was in bed, Stephanie & I headed to Jami Battin's costume party. I was cheerleader (thanks for the outfit, Jenni), and Steph was a witch. We had a good time meeting some of Jami's friends. They had some great costumes! I've also got some pictures of us that I'll have to add.


We took Marleigh for a walk in her stroller yesterday. She LOVED it! It was such a gorgeous day. She smiled the whole time, looking around. She definitely likes the outdoors.

I can't believe it is November! Where does the time go?!?