Sunday, July 31, 2011

Preemie versus Full-term

Can I tell you how much easier it is to care for a full-term baby than a preemie?  We didn't realize how very different it would be, but are pleasantly surprised.  Of course, it wasn't Marleigh's fault, and it was worth every single minute, but oh my...... a full-term baby is SO much easier.

Kade sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours at a time.  It was months before Marleigh EVER slept that long at one time.  For the first few months 30-45 minutes were the longest she would sleep. 

Trying to get Marleigh to sleep was also a chore.  She was easily overly stimulated and most of the time, it would take 45 minutes of rocking to get her to wind down.  Kade is asleep within a few minutes. 

Marleigh would NEVER sleep in her car seat.  She still really doesn't.  Every single little bump or sound would startle her.  Kade on the other hand sleeps like a rock every time he is in his carseat.

We had to be so quiet when Marleigh was sleeping.  She has super sensitive hearing, so we could never talk while she was sleeping.  Kade naps in the living room, with Marleigh playing and laughing, the TV blaring, and Marc and I talking. 

Kade nurses so well. With all of Marleigh's meds, she was bottle fed.  It is so much nicer to be able to nurse him, instead of pumping, then bottle feeding, then having to wash the pump stuff and bottles. 

Poor little Marleigh was constantly spitting up.  I mean like every few minutes.  We went through so many outfits and burp rags.  We are so thankful that Kade has only spit up a handful of times total. 

Marleigh was also a challenge to burp.  I can vividly remember many nights crying from being tired, and trying for 45 minutes to get her to burp in the middle of the night.  Kade burps like a champ!  :)

Marleigh was on a monitor that had to be plugged in for the first few weeks she was home.  So it wasn't all that easy to just pick her up and go into another room.  With Kade, we are all over the house.  He likes to go into Marleigh's room and watch her play. 

We were scared to death of Marleigh getting sick.  I didn't take her anywhere for fear of her catching a bug and winding up back in the hospital.  She was almost 18 months before she ever went to Wal-Mart!  Of course, I still wash my hands and am careful with Kade, but knowing he has a normal immune system is such a relief. 

The best thing of all about having a full-term baby?  Not being scared to death that he will quit breathing while eating or having an apnea or bradychardia.

Sometimes I look back and wonder how we kept our sanity.  At the time, we just did what any parent would do for their child.  Looking back, I see how stressed & tired we were.  But then I also remember, that we now have a healthy toddler, and are so blessed.  I'm also incredibly thankful that we got to experience a normal, full-term baby this time around.  Having these so very different experiences, makes us appreciate both Marleigh and Kade even more.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kade meets Breckyn

I have so many posts that I want to add, but these pictures are just too adorable not to share.  Kade met his cousin Breckyn tonight.  Breckyn is my cousin, Jaeson's, daughter that was born a month before Kade.  Enjoy the pics!

All tuckered out!

Cousinly Love

Marleigh and Gunnar with the babies:  Proud Big Sister and Big Brother

Breckyn wanted to suck on Kade's hand.  :)

Jaeson & Breckyn with Daddy & Kade. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Introducing Kade Robert Johnson

Proud Daddy and Kade
Mommy and Kade taking a nap.
We're home!
Kade sleeping in his bed. 
Kade's room

Grandma Johnson and Kade
Papa Johnson and Kade
Gigi and Kade
Papa Cline and Kade (Notice Papa's cheeks.  This is where Kade gets his!)
Love this picture!!!
Mommy, Kade, and Daddy shortly after he was born. 
Marleigh, Daddy, and Kade.  (Marleigh loves her brother, but was super excited about the sucker he gave her when she came to see him!)
Daddy and Kade napping.  So sweet! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kade Robert Johnson

Our C-section was originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 20th. Last week, Dr. Cullan changed it to TODAY!!! It was probably a good decision. After we arrived this morniong, I began having contractions. Kade Robert Johnson was born at 7:57am. He weighed 8lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. We are both doing well. God is so good!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Mommy needs some Tums!"

Quite often when I get up to leave the room, I'll tell Marleigh where I'm going. If not, I usually have a little shadow following me. If I tell her, "Mommy is going to start a load of laundry. I'll be right back." She normally says, "Okay," and keeps right on playing.

Anyway.... before pregnancy, I had no idea what heartburn was.  For those of you that suffer from chronic heartburn, I feel soooooo sorry for you.  It is not fun!  Jr is breech and I swear he pushes so his little head crowds my tummy.  I have been having some pretty intense heartburn.  A few times so bad, it has actually made me sick. 

Marc usually keeps Tums in his office.  Most nights I end up going into his office and grabbing a couple of Tums.  I guess I must have told her before that I was going into his office to get some Tums.  Tonight, Marleigh was playing on the floor.  I got up and went into Marc's office.  Marleigh jumps up and follows me shouting, "Mommy needs some Tums!  Her tummy hurts."  We both laughed at her and I told her, "Yes, Mommy needs some Tums."   She then proceeds to tell me that her tummy hurts, too.  (That has been her new thing.  Her tummy hurts when mine does.)  I kissed her little belly, and it was all better!  I hope I can always make it better with just a kiss!  :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Conversations with Marleigh

I have been talking a lot lately about when baby brother is born. That Mommy will have to go to the hospital, etc., in hopes of somewhat preparing Marleigh. 

Me:  Mommy will go to the hospital and have baby brother and both Mommy and baby brother will have to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Marleigh:  Daddy do it?

Me:  Daddy do what?  (I was a little confused)

Marleigh:  Daddy go to the hospital and have baby brother? 

Me:  Oh, honey, no.... Mommy has to do it. 

Marleigh:  Okay.

Glad that answer sufficed.  I really didn't want to get into THAT conversation as to why Mommy had to do it.  :)


Marleigh has turned into a random juke box.  She bursts into different songs all day long.  She knows tons of kid songs, "Jesus Loves Me", "Mary Had A Little Lamb", "Baa Baa Blacksheep"..... the list goes on and on.  She also knows quite a few country songs from hearing them on the radio.  She loves "Mean"  by Taylor Swift, "Homeboy"  by Eric Church, and "Honey Bee"  by Blake Shelton. 

Me:  Marleigh, you sing so pretty, would you please sing Mommy a song?

Marleigh:  Hold on Mom, I need my microphone.  I'll be right back.

The little diva ran to her room and got her toy microphone.  She came back and started dancing and singing, "Country girl, shake it for me, girl."  Hmmmm.... maybe not the most appropriate song for her to be singing?


Potty training isn't really progressing.  I haven't pushed her much.  Just ask her randomly if she wants to use the big girl potty. 

Me:  Marleigh, would you like to try to potty on the big girl potty?

Marleigh:  No thanks, Mom.  I'm good. 

Me:  But I would be so proud of you if you pottied on the big girl potty.

Marleigh:  Really, Mom.  I'm good. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Relaxing long weekend

This past weekend, we didn't really do anything except spend time together as a family and work on projects around the house.... and it was heaven!  We had such a great weekend.  Marleigh swam in her pool in the back yard and "helped"  Daddy with getting Jr's room ready. 

It was a bit strange.  Normally, the weekend before the 4th of July we are at the lake.  Normally, it is either miserably windy, cold, or nasty storms.  But of course, the one year we can't go, it was beautiful weather.   I'm not going to lie, I had some lake envy.  It would have been a gorgeous long weekend to be up at the lake.  I have so many great memories of going to the lake as a kid and I can't wait to make more memories with our kids in the years to come!  Hope you and yours had a great long weekend, too!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

36 weeks 6 days

Today I am 36 weeks, 6 days pregnant.  Marleigh and Natalie were born at 26 weeks, 1 day.  We brought Marleigh home when she was 75 days old.  So, I should have been 36 weeks, 6 days pregnant the day she came home from the hospital.  Thinking of her in terms of how old she would be, seems so unfathomable.  Yes, I was there.  Yes, I realize she was tiny.  Yes, I realize we were in Wichita for a long time.  But it totally puts it in perspective when I compare it to still being pregnant now.  It helps remind me what amazing miracles the Lord has blessed us with.  I hope I always remember how blessed we are and the miracles that God has so graciously given us.  Thank you, God for a happy, healthy daughter, and for a normal second pregnancy that has officially gone full term.