Sunday, July 17, 2011

Introducing Kade Robert Johnson

Proud Daddy and Kade
Mommy and Kade taking a nap.
We're home!
Kade sleeping in his bed. 
Kade's room

Grandma Johnson and Kade
Papa Johnson and Kade
Gigi and Kade
Papa Cline and Kade (Notice Papa's cheeks.  This is where Kade gets his!)
Love this picture!!!
Mommy, Kade, and Daddy shortly after he was born. 
Marleigh, Daddy, and Kade.  (Marleigh loves her brother, but was super excited about the sucker he gave her when she came to see him!)
Daddy and Kade napping.  So sweet! 


  1. SO glad you're home and enjoying those first newborn moments. God is SO good! May He continue to grace you with His presence each passing day. We love you and can't wait to snuggle Kade again--and see Big Sister!!! :)

    Love, Aunt Michaela, Uncle Ryan, Reese and Keira

  2. He's precious Sarah! COngrats on the addition.

  3. Love the pictures. What a great way to end your week!! Bet Marleigh can't get enough of her little brother. Congrats you guys.

    The Roy's (Matt, Laura & Taryn)

  4. Congrats on Kade's arrival! He is adorable! I'm sure Marleigh is so proud of him and is such a good big sister. Loves the pics! Have a great week!
