Wednesday, June 17, 2009

She slept in her bed last night!

Finally!!! Marleigh slept in her bed from 5:30 clear until 8:30 without making a peep! It was pure heaven!

Thanks for all the suggestions. We have a positioner in her bed. It is a wedge to keep her inclined. We also have a fan in her room to make noise as well as a radio playing. I'm telling ya, we've tried EVERYTHING!

We're just happy she slept in her crib even for a little while!


  1. Welcome to Parenthood... Just as soon as you say they won't do something Suprise! She definitely has a mind of her own. Give her a hug for me.
    Aunt Pat

  2. Hey guys, I'm right there with you. . . This week Keira has decided that bedtime STARTS around 3 am! Grrrr. . . . Totally by accident, one night I was too tired to even hold her, so I just put my arm around her at my side (her body was on the couch) and before I knew it, she was OUT. Of course, I have to wait until she's DEEP asleep before I put her down or we start all over again. But as everyone has said, they outgrow it. I just have to remind myself that it's all temporary--and as I peek in at Reese (who looks SO big now), I remember that I miss cuddling with her. So just do what works, hang in there, and know that her little cousin is being a turd too! :) Love you guys!

  3. try a couple beers seems to work for me!lol hope everything is going well I may be through next week I will call and try and stop by. Have a great weekend.

