Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rice? No dice!

Okay... I'm laughing at myself right now at the title of this entry... I'm such a dork!

The rest of Monday night was NOT good. Marleigh was moaning in her sleep, would wake up crying, & was curling up like her tummy hurt. Then she was refusing her bottle. I feel so sorry for her. She was also fussy yesterday. We skipped the rice all together last night. Marleigh slept for 7 hours without a peep, then ate, went right back to sleep. She slept another 5 hours without so much as a moan.

I called the pediatrician (again). I'm sure they're sick of me by now. They said her sensitive little tummy probably can't handle it. They told us to wait a month & try again. By then she will be 8 1/2 months, or 5 1/2 adjusted. Not sure what we'll do if she still can't handle it. The bad thing is, we're back to feeding her formula every 3 1/2 hours or so. At one point, she was going 4 1/2 hours or so in between feedings. Like I've said before, we'll do whatever is best for her!

I just hope she can eat solid food by the time she goes to college!

1 comment:

  1. Never fear--the college kids I know are on a liquid diet. . . haha! :) Hang in there! She'll be ready on Marleigh time. And don't ever worry about calling the ped too much! They won't get sick of you--and if they do, it's time to find a new one! That's what they're there for. We love you and can't wait to see you!

