Friday, June 29, 2012

Talking with Marleigh about when she and Natalie were born.

A couple of nights ago, Marleigh and I were talking about how it was almost Kade's birthday.  I asked her if she remembers when he was born and when we brought him home.  She then started asking me questions about when she was born. 

I decided that this was as good as time as any to show her pictures from when she was born.  I made sure to tell her that all the tubes and wires were there to help her, because she was a very tiny, sick baby.  The last thing I wanted to do was upset her.  She studied each one of them very carefully.  I asked her if they upset or bothered her, and she said, "No, Mommy.  They are just pictures of me, and I was a very sick baby." 

I also got out the book of Natalie's pictures.  I explained to her that Mommy had two babies.  Both her and her twin sister, Natalie, were born incredibly small, and were sick.  I was trying to think of the best way to explain to her about Natalie.  But then she turned to me and said, "But I got better, and Natalie is with God, now.  I think I would like to visit God and Natalie."  I squeezed her a little tighter, and we finished looking through the photo albums. 

Here I had been so concerned about how to explain to her about where Natalie is, and she already knows.  Thank you, God. You knew I was struggling with finding the right words.  Instead of me finding the right words, You put them in her heart.  Granted, I'm not sure she fully understands everything, but she's got the main part.  Her sister is with God.  For right now, that is enough.