Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our garden

I have a really bad history of killing any houseplant that I have ever owned.  Either I water it too much, or not enough.  I chalked it up to just not having a green thumb.  A couple of months ago, Marleigh and I decided we wanted to have a garden this summer.  Marc was apprehensive given my track record with plants.  I can't say that I blame him!  However, if Marleigh wanted a garden, I was going to at least attempt it.  We had a spot in the backyard with some nasty, half dead bushes.  Marc and I (okay, mostly Marc) cut them out and cleaned up the roots.  Marleigh and I had a shopping trip to pick out our plants.  We agreed on Tomatoes, Jalepenos, Strawberries, and Cucumbers.  I thought with it being our first year, we wouldn't go too crazy.  I am happy to say, our garden looks great!  I have finally found my green thumb! 

Our Tomatoes are out of control!

I've already picked our first batch of Jalepenos.  They made some delicious Jalepeno Poppers!

Our little garden. I'm sure we'll go bigger next summer.  Need to add some cantelope and sweet corn!

After planting our garden, Marc noticed that 2 sunflowers were growing nearby.  Our neighbor has a bird feeder, and a couple of the sunflower seeds must have found their way into our yard.  Marleigh LOVES sunflowers, so Daddy has been mowing around them.  They are now taller then I am, and Marleigh adores them. 

And where were the kids while Mommy was taking all these pictures?  I thought you'd never ask! 

They were staying cool in their pools! 
(You knew I had to include pics of them, right?!?)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I LOVE it! I'm totally jealous too--we can't dig through the rocks down here to plant anything! :(

