The other day, I had ordered some diapers (LOVE and the shipment had arrived. Forgetting that I had also ordered a color book for Marleigh, I told her she could open the box. Once she found the color book, she gasped, "Thank you!" Just about as I was to tell her "You're welcome", she continued with, "Thank you, box, for my new color book!" and hugged the box. Next time I'll make sure I open the box and give her the color book! ;)
Last night, Marleigh wasn't listening very well. Marc was talking with her and said, "You need to listen to Mommy and Daddy. We know what is best for you." With a smirk on her face, she quickly replied, "Actually, God knows what is best for me." Remembering something I had been told recently from a friend, I told her, "But God trusted Mommy and Daddy to be your parents and raise you." With a less than thrilled look on her face, she finished picking up her toys.
Kade is the silliest little boy. He has taken to putting a blanket over his head so he can't see, and running through out the house. I've stopped him numerous times, but he keeps doing it. Last night, he did it again, but tripped on the blanket and landed square on the door jam with the middle of his forehead. He immediately had a big goose egg that was black and blue. But guess what he did as soon as he had his bearings again?!? You guessed it, the blanket was back on his head. Marc and I just shook our heads.
We found out last week that Bubs needs to get his adenoids out. The doctor thinks it will benefit him greatly. He is also doing a sinus rinse when he takes the adenoids out. Doctor said Kade's sinus cavities are very inflamed and nasty. His surgery is scheduled for December 7th. You might keep him in your prayers over the next couple of weeks. Please pray that he'll stay healthy until then. Pray for us the morning of his surgery, as he can't have anything to eat or drink and that means he'll be up for at least two hours with nothing in his tummy. Kade is a bit of an eater, so I'm sure he'll be "hangry" as his Uncle Dave says. Hangry: so hungry that it makes you angry. And pray that his surgery will go smoothly and he recovers quickly.
Logan had the same surgery...just wish they would have taken his tonsils too as we are still battling sleep apnea! NPO isn't as horrible as we imagine. Gavin just did it for lip and tongue frenctomies at 14 months old and did great. BTW, he is AN EATER. He only nurses from 1-5 in the middle of the night so I thought it would be a real challenge! Prayers for an easu procedure and speedy recovery!