Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marleigh is 3!


Some days when I look you at you, all I can say is, "Wow!"  Three years ago you were fighting for your life.  I was praying for you just to survive.  I was praying that you had minimal long term effects of being born 14 weeks early. I never could have hoped for you to be so perfect.  You are living proof of God's goodness.

Marleigh, you say some of the funniest things.  You continue to be advanced in the verbal area.  Almost daily, I am impressed by your expansive vocabulary.  Not only do you know many words, but you use them all correctly.  You do very well using the correct pronouns and forms of verbs. 

You are still very smart, as well.  I can't even list all of your accomplishments.  You are counting objects very well, and even doing some basic forms of addition and subtraction with them.  Lately, we have been working on spelling your name and you almost have it.  My current favorite is hearing you count backwards from ten to one.  You get so excited the closer you get to one.  After one, you say, "BLAST OFF!" 

Your physical development has lagged a little in the past.  Partly because I was too overprotective of you.  You have blossomed in the last few months  You are now jumping off of two feet, have mastered climbing up and down stairs, and go up the ladder and down your slipper slide all by yourself!  It is obvious you have more self confidence.  You are not near as intimidated or shy around new people. 

I still cherish your gentle heart.  You have an inherent compassion towards people.  When your brother is fussing, you are quick to rush to him and say, "Its okay, Kade."  If someone is upset, it upsets you and you try your hardest to cheer them up. 

A few weeks ago, your Daddy had a rough day, and was a little down.  You said, "Daddy, are you sad?"  He responded that he was a little bit.  You then said, "I can make you smile, I'll dance!"  You danced around the living room, and sure enough, it brought a smile to your Daddy's face. 

When your little brother was born, it rocked your world.  Safe to say that you didn't instantly love being a big sister.  You now love your role as big sissy and help me take care of him.  Daddy was rough housing with Kade the other day, and you thought it was upsetting Kade.  You instantly got upset and asked Daddy to stop because, "Kade doesn't like it, Daddy!!!"  I enjoy so much watching you interact with your little brother.  It is obvious how much you love him. 

Marleigh, you are more than we could have ever dreamed of. I am excited to watch the next year of your life unfold.  Love you so very much!


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