Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lake weekend + More Birthday Celebrations!

This past weekend, we met up with our Johnson side at Lake Toronto.  It was about halfway between us and where Marc's oldest sister lives, and it worked out perfect!  We took our camper and the rest of the family rented cabins.  The weather Friday and Saturday was perfect!  We also celebrated all 6 grandkids' birthdays because they all have June or July birthdays except for Marleigh.  We had such a great time together!  

Please, no one tell the curly haired little boy that we gave him an empty
thing of bubbles! ;)  He was so happy and content "blowing" bubbles!

Opening his first present!

Love that smile!

Cinderella Barbie was a huge hit!  

Grandma brought an awesome pinata with all their names on it.
The kids LOVED it!

Dividing up the loot!  

Breakfast!  The five older cousins at the table, and Emersyn can barely
be seen clear on the right edge.  
Cousins are the best!

I didn't manage to get any pictures of us in the water.  I know Aunt Rina did, so I'll hit her up for some to share.  ;)

It rained Sunday.  All day.  Boo!  So our fun filled weekend was cut short, but that's okay.  We will do it again next year for sure!  

Monday, July 29, 2013

A little motiviation

Okay, so I'm putting it out there: 


I feel like if I put that here on the blog, I am now accountable!  While I fully realize I don't have a ton of weight to lose, I am far from healthy.  I don't exercise at all, except for the Coed Volleyball and Softball I play.  And over the past 2-3 years, I can almost literally feel myself aging!  I want to be fit and get some muscle tone and flexibility back.  I really don't eat horribly, but for sure not as well as I could.  I don't want to try any diets or fad pills, etc, just actually try to be healthier!  I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do, but as of today, I am making a commitment to do it!  

So, for the next 4 weeks, I'm going to try to update on Mondays as to how it is going. Might be a little boring for you guys, but hopefully it will be just the motivation I need.  

Goals for the 4 weeks

1.  Lose 6 pounds
2.  Be able to jog 1 mile
3.  Have more energy
4.  Tone, tone, tone!!!

Losing 6 lbs doesn't seem like much, but I wanted a realistic goal.  Right now, I am about 12lbs lighter than my pre children weight and about 12 lbs over what I weighed the fall after I had the girls.  While I don't know if I'll ever get back down to that number, I think I'd be happy with losing the 6lbs and toning up!  

For anyone that knows me, #2 will be a MAJOR challenge.  I always joke that the only way I would ever run is if someone is chasing me.  I hope I can stick to this one!  ;)

Numbers 3 & 4 will be hard to measure, but I would still like to feel like I have more energy and less flab by the end!  

Okay, ready, set, go!  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kade's Birthday Party

We had a small little get together at our house for Kade's birthday.  My parents were there (we're celebrating with the Johnson side this weekend), and a few friends.  The kids had a blast!

Papa and Gigi got him some cars from "Cars".  He loved them!

Kade loved the new truck from Dad, Mom, and Sissy!  He even looks like
Mac from "Cars"!  :)

Happy Birthday Boy!

Making a wish.  

Oh, the orneriness in this one!!!


This little guy was the hit of the party (ignore the tomatoes from my garden)!
The kids found a turtle in my garden and played with him forever!
They petted him, fed him, put him in a swing and swang him, etc.
Birthday parties are always so much fun!  Getting excited for the cousin-wide birthday party on the Johnson side this upcoming weekend!  

Monday, July 22, 2013

We love the lake!

A couple of weeks ago, we took 5 whole days off and headed to the lake.  It was our first time to use on camper at the lake.  My parents, and my sister and her family were there.  We had a great time!  Here's a few way too many pictures of our week!  :)  

This is our new toy!  We absolutely love it!  No blowing up a big bulky floatie, it rolls up easy, and the kids can easily get on and off of it by themselves!

Aunt Shannie chillin' with Marleigh!

Kade taking a stroll on the Lily Pad.  

Marleigh was "fishing" off the Lily Pad.

Daddy relaxing!

Papa and Gigi's boat and tubing were both big hits!!!

Captain Kade

Gigi and Marleigh tubing!  I was so proud of Marleigh.  Last year
she was very apprehensive about tubing.  This year, she loved it!

All smiles!

My niece, Zoey, and Kade had their first tube rides!

Such a happy girl!

Gigi, Zoey, Mommy, and Kade.  Waving to Daddy in the boat.  

Tubing is tough work!

Out for a boat ride.  Looking for buoys!  ;) 

We also celebrated Kade's birthday with my sister, since her family wouldn't make it to his party.  

Just up the road, there was a playground.  Marleigh said, "A playground AT the lake?  This is awesome!"

And of course, there was time to just sit back and relax.

Some great memories were made with our first official trip to the lake in our camper.  I am sure there are many more to come!  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Kade Robert- 2 years


You are growing up so fast!  Already 2 years old!  Time sure is flying!

Kade, you talk all the time.  I can't believe the verbal progress you've made in the last few months.  Usually, you talk in 2-3 word sentences.  Your newest thing is when you start getting hungry, you say, "I want lunch!"  You and Marleigh now have conversations together and I love it!  Sometimes, you have complete conversations all on your own.  Just this morning, you were playing and I heard you tell yourself, "Thank you."  Then you replied and said, "You're welcome."

You love playing with your tractors and the cars from "Cars".  Gigi gave you some cars for your birthday, and you insisted on them sitting with you while you ate your birthday cupcake.  You have finally reached an age that you and your big sissy interactively play together.  Sometimes she bosses you around.  You do what she wants for a while, then tell her, "No, Sissy!"  I really enjoy just sitting and watching you guys play together.

You are incredibly independent and completely fearless.  You want to do everything on your own, and seem to be scared of nothing.  You will jump/fall off of anything, no matter the height.  At the lake, you would just take off walking, until it was too deep and your feet floated out from under you.  You'd gasp a little, find your footing, and be fine until you decided to do it again. You are just like your sister in that fact that you love to be in the water.  Lake, pool, bathtub, it doesn't matter to you!

You have the happiest little disposition.  You run around all day with the biggest smile on your face.  Your giggle is infectious, and it takes very little to get you to smile and laugh.  It is one of your qualities I treasure the most.

Kade, you are an entertainer.  You are constantly doing something that has us laughing at you.  You dance up a storm and have started galloping everywhere.  When we get to laughing at you, you in turn start cracking up.  It is priceless!

You are the most curious little thing I have ever seen!  You want to know how everything works and what every button does.  You've already mastered the iPad and iPhone, navigating to get where you want.  You love to play music on them and we call you "DJ Bubba Scribbles".  We request a song, and you go right to that song and play it.  You love the buttons on the dishwasher, and washing machine.  Many times, they will be running, because you decided to start them.  And when you get in a tractor or combine?!?  Watch out!  Every button must be pushed, every lever must be pulled, and you crank the steering wheel back and forth.

Kade, you are also very determined.  You keep trying and working at things until you get it.  Most of the time we see your determination when you are trying to climb something.  You just recently finally figured out how to climb from the bottom of the slide clear to the top.  Once up there, you puffed up your chest and said, "Ta Da!!!"

Even though you are still very ornery, you have a very compassionate, protective side.  You hate to see Marleigh upset and rush to her.  You give her hugs and pat her back if she is crying.  Or if she is laying on the couch, you run to find a blanket and cover her up.

Potty training is about to begin for you as well.  You've gone in the big boy potty sporadically, but we really haven't hit it hard.  Kind of hard to potty train at the lake, and when we're traveling, so I'm sure we'll try it this fall when things slow down.

You remain very tall, and are still solid, but are slimming down.  We haven't had your 2 year well check yet, so I'll update once we get the exact numbers.

Silly boy, you have already brought so much joy to our family in the first two years of your life.  You are such a unique blessing and we love you so much!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Marleigh's Vocabulary

Sometimes I just have to shake my head at Marleigh's vocabulary and her reasoning.  Here's the latest things she has said.

Marleigh was looking for some sunglasses to go outside the other day.  "Oh.  These are not my prescription sunglasses.  There are just ordinary sunglasses."

I had explained to Marleigh that we needed to get our shoes on because I had a chiropractor appointment.  "So we're going to the Chiropractor because you've had a headache the last two days?  I'm sorry, Mom.  I didn't realize you weren't feeling well."

Kade knows how to turn the power on my washing machine and start a load.  He did it the other day.  Marleigh came running.  "Mom, apparently Kade started a load of laundry, but there are no clothes in the washing machine."

Marleigh was talking to Aunt Myra about bones the other day.  "And there is a very large bone in your head.  It is called your skull, and it protects your brain."

The other day, I had promised her she could have a Strawberry Roll if she cleaned her plate, but I didn't know that we were out.  I apologized to her.  Here is her response.  "It's okay, Mom.  I know you had good intentions, and didn't know they were all gone."

While at the lake, a storm was rolling in right as we were sitting down for dinner.  Marleigh prayed, "Dear God, please bring us some rain, but please don't throw any ice cubes!"

There are many buoys at the lake.  For each one Marleigh shouts, "Boobies!!!"  Marleigh loves to look at all the buoys.  After a boat ride where Papa drove her to look at the buoys she said, "I love my Papa!  He takes me to look at boobies!"  Hmmm.... maybe we should just keep that one to ourselves, Marleigh!  ;)

Last night while eating Marc said to Kade, "Son, you are just a t-u-r-d!"  Marleigh asked what it meant.  I quickly jumped in, "It means Kade is a very nice person."  Marleigh turned to her Dad and said, "Dad, you are a t-u-r-d!"  And giggled uncontrollably.

And finally, a video.  I promise we're really not a crude family, but these were too good not to share.

I have no idea where she got this one.  The first time she said it, Marc had just taken a drink, and it ended up coming right back out.  She still doesn't understand why it was so funny!  Gotta love her!

Monday, July 15, 2013

This and That

Where has July gone?  We have been very busy, but loving every minute of it!

 We started July off with a much needed visit from Auntie Myra.  Myra used to live here in town, so a certain little girl grew quite attached to her and and it had been almost six months since we'd seen her.  The kids had a blast with her.

On the 4th of July, we went to a friend's parents house.  I was suprised that the loudness of the fireworks didn't bother the kids.  Except there was a really loud one.  Kade jumped, turned around and scanned the crowd until he found a cute teenage girl, and literally jumped into her arms, then laughed.  He's already going after the ladies!  ;)

I played in my very first mud volleyball tournament on July 6th.  We had such a great time and got second at the tournament.  Not too shabby!  We strolled around the big city of Lewis and took a few pictures.

After we were all done and all muddy!

This little train was just sitting, so we decided it was a great photo op!

 Sunday, the 7th, we left for our 5 day vacation at the lake.  I will do a whole post on that, but here are a few pictures to tide you over until then. 

 We got home Friday the 12th, and got up Saturday the 13th and headed to Lake Afton for the T-Roy Rod Run that is held every year in memory of Marc's cousin.  It is always good to see family. 

Sunday, the 14th we had Kade's birthday here at the house with the Cline side of the family and some friends. I've got pictures of that to come, as well as a post for a very special boy that turned 2 today, but that will have to wait for a day or two!

Whew!  it has been a whirlwind last few weeks, but it has been amazing! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thoughts on Preschool

Marleigh has now been going to her Preschool for a little over a month.  It has been such a great fit for her.  She looks forward to going everyday.  We have also seen quite a bit of progress in such a short time.

About two weeks into Preschool, Marleigh's teacher called me one evening.  We visited for about ten minutes.  I was shocked how well she knew Marleigh.  I mean, she only sees her three hours a day for four days a week.  Plus, there are around ten other kids there.  It really made me feel that Mrs. A truly cares for each child and is attentive to them.  She had every aspect of Marleigh pegged.

Marleigh has gained an incredible amount of confidence.  We noticed that within the first two weeks.  I love seeing her more sure of herself and trying new things!

I am impressed with the progress of Marleigh's writing, as well.  This has always been something that she had zero interest in.  She would color for hours, but absolutely HATED to write letters.  She could write her name in all capitals, but only did that if we made her.  A couple of weeks ago, she was coloring and came running over to me to show me her latest creation.  She had written her name correctly, with an uppercase "M" and the rest lowercase letters.  She was beaming with pride!  I was, too!

One of my favorite things about Marleigh's Preschool, is that they incorporate religion.  They have a prayer that they say before snack time.  All on her own, Marleigh has adapted it, and says it for her bedtime prayer as well.

Just the other day, we were watching a VeggieTales DVD.  "The Little House That Stood", loosely based on Luke 6:48, the man that built his house on a firm foundation.  Marleigh lit up.  You could tell that something had just clicked for her.  She jumped up and yelled, "This is like my song from Preschool!!! 'The wise man built his house upon the rock.  The wise man built his house upon the rock....'"  It was such an awesome moment.

I love the fact that we know pretty much all the parents and kids that Marleigh goes to school with.  They are all great kids from good families. It is so nice to know all of Marleigh's friends and their parents.

Stepping Stones Preschool has been a great blessing for us!  Much more than we could have ever thought possible!


We have also gotten some humor from preschool.

Kade has a bad habit of barreling down the hallway and just tackling his big sister.  I mean, he outweighs her by 4lbs, so he definitely has the upper hand.  One of Mrs A's, famous phrases is, "Gentle touches".  Marleigh sees Kade coming for her one day.  As he is running she starts telling him over and over, "Gentle touches, Bubba.  Gentle touches, Bubba.  Gentle touches, Bubba!!!"  He plowed her over in the middle of the fourth "Gentle touches, Bubba".

Kade is also generally kind of loud.  We are working on using his indoor voice, but it is a work in progress.  Another catch phrase is, "Hold your bubbles", which means to be quiet.  One day, Kade was being loud and Marleigh tells him, "Hold your bubbles, Kade."  He ignores her.  "Kade, please listen.  Hold your bubbles."  Again, he continues being loud.  Defeated, Marleigh comes over to me.  "Mom, I just don't think Kade is ready for Preschool.  He doesn't follow directions well."

All the kids sing a goodbye song at the end of everyday, where they put both arms in the air, and wave while singing.  We were at a party a couple of weeks ago, and I told Marleigh to tell everyone goodbye.  She immediately put her arms in the air and burst into song.  It was pretty funny.  Reminded me of the VonTrapp family singing their goodbye song on "The Sound of Music".

They have learned the "B-I-B-L-E" song at Preschool.  Only Marleigh sings, "The B-L-B-L-E", because, "it just flows better that way, Mom."  :)  Oh, that silly girl!