Friday, October 28, 2011

Marleigh update

Marleigh had another eye check up last week.  As is turns out, Marleigh needs to get glasses.  The crazy thing is, it has NOTHING to do with her being a preemie.  She has amblyopia or a "lazy" eye.  The doctor thinks that it may be correctable with glasses.  We ordered her a cute, purple pair last week.  They should be in sometime first of next week.  If you see Marleigh wearing her glasses in the next couple of weeks, please tell her how beautiful she looks in them.


Marleigh makes us laugh non-stop.  Here's a few more stories.

Marc and I were talking in the kitchen.  Marleigh was preoccupied eating at the table.  We didn't think she was paying attention at all.  I said to Marc, "Marc, you have to remember that she is only 2."  Her little head whipped around and she says just as serious as she could be, "Marc, I'm only 2!"


Marleigh was being a bit ornery the other day.  Marc just kind of threw his hands up in the air and sat down on the couch.  Marleigh crawled up beside him, smiled, and said, "Daddy, are you frustrated with me?" 


A few weeks ago, we were out at Gigi's.  Marleigh couldn't see out the window, so she says to me (and this is verbatim), "Mommy, could you please look outside and tell me what is going on?"  What 2 year old uses complex sentences like that?!?  (Prime example why we sometimes have to remind ourselves that she IS only 2!)

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