Well, hello! I promise I didn't mean for it to be so long between posts. But recently, I realized how much I miss not being able to go back and read stories and moments from our family for the last year, so I hope to revive the blog!
As we were backing out of the garage this morning, Kade commented, "Yuck!!! Our Jack O' Lantern is dying and gross! But our pumpkins still look great!" Before I even had a chance to respond, Marleigh jumped right in. "Bubba, it is because the Jack O' Lantern is hollow. It has nothing inside to hold it up or to make it strong. The pumpkins are filled with pumpkin guts that allow it stay strong and not shrivel up."
Wow. Marleigh could not have spoken any more directly to my heart. The last couple of days have just been sort of rough. Nothing really major has happened, With having a daughter in heaven, some days just seem a little tougher. Marc has been out of town for work. Everyone has these days. I was just trudging through them, knowing there would be better days ahead. But in that moment, it hit me: Was I a Jack O' Lantern or a Pumpkin? Initially, when all that fills it is removed, a Jack O' Lantern is pretty. It still stands tall. But over the course of a few short days, it weakens and wilts. It can not withstand the void inside. The pumpkin has substance. It is solid and stronger than the Jack O' Lantern. The pumpkin remains standing long after a Jack O' Lantern has fallen flat.
Maybe the reasons the last few days seemed difficult was that I needed a reminder that I am a pumpkin. I need to be full of Him in order to endure all the bumps in the road. On my own I will quickly wither and fade. But if I seek to be full of Him, I will stand solid and strong.
I put the car in park and had a quick moment with my sweet kiddos. We decided we all wanted to be pumpkins. However, instead of being filled with pumpkin guts, we will be full of Him.
Thank you, God for the constant reminders. You always know just what I need to hear, and use the most precious tools to deliver them.
The Johnson's Journals
Just a way to keep up on what is going on with us!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Miss Marleigh goes to Kindergarten!
It has now been a month since Marleigh has started Kindergarten! Wow! Figured I had better get my act together and get her post up!
To say that Marleigh was excited to start Kindergarten would be a massive understatement. On the first day, she was up at 6:30 and ready to go. She had been counting down the says until school started. "The best part about Kindergarten is that it lasts ALL day! I get to go to school all day long!" I hope she always feels that way about school!
Once she was all ready for her first day of Kindergarten, she told me she needed a photo shoot. I happily obliged!
One month down, and she still loves to go to school. Marleigh adores her teacher and has many friends in her class. Last week she asked me why she couldn't go on Saturdays and Sundays, too!
To say that Marleigh was excited to start Kindergarten would be a massive understatement. On the first day, she was up at 6:30 and ready to go. She had been counting down the says until school started. "The best part about Kindergarten is that it lasts ALL day! I get to go to school all day long!" I hope she always feels that way about school!
Once she was all ready for her first day of Kindergarten, she told me she needed a photo shoot. I happily obliged!
My friend Stephanie's daughter, Taeten, and Marleigh are in the same class! |
One month down, and she still loves to go to school. Marleigh adores her teacher and has many friends in her class. Last week she asked me why she couldn't go on Saturdays and Sundays, too!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Kade's Allergies and Asthma
As I had mentioned in my prior post, poor Kader's allergies went nuts at the lake. The moment we arrived, his little nose started running and it didn't stop. By Sunday, the allergies had flared up his asthma as well. In small children, asthma doesn't always present as wheezing, but more often coughing. Kade was coughing horribly, and his little chest was concave when was sucking between coughs, unable to catch his breath. It honestly was the first time that I was really worried about Kade. He was struggling so much. That Sunday afternoon it was bad enough, I took him home. We tried numerous albuterol breathing treatments, and it didn't seen to be helping him much. Concerned, I took him into the doctor on Monday morning. She was pretty concerned that even on Singulair, Zyrtec, and doing breathing treatments, he was still struggling. So she called and got us back into our allergist/asthma doctor later in the week.
Later that week, we visited with the doctor. She felt it was time for Kade to begin the weekly regiment of allergy shots. At our last appointment, we had decided to try to control Kade's allergies (which is what triggers is asthma) and the asthma with medication. Our little trip to the lake proved that we were not successfully doing so. I hated the thought of Kade having to get two shots every week for months on end, but I hated even more seeing him struggle to breathe, not being able to enjoy our family vacation, and having him on so many different medications.
Kade has now successfully had four weeks of shots, and I will take him back again today. He actually handles it fairly well. He knows that we're going to get shots, and just marches in like a big boy. He heads straight to the registration desk and tells the receptionist, "Kade Johnson is here!" After he gets his shots, we have to stay for 30 minutes in case he has a reaction. The first three weeks, he didn't have any reaction, but last week he had a slight one. His injection site on one arm became red and a little swollen, and his O2 sats were a little low for a bit. We waited a few minutes and rechecked and they were better. The nurse wasn't for sure if the monitor had picked it up correctly the first time.
You might just keep Kade in your prayers. He has been a trooper for far, but we have many, many more shots to go!
Later that week, we visited with the doctor. She felt it was time for Kade to begin the weekly regiment of allergy shots. At our last appointment, we had decided to try to control Kade's allergies (which is what triggers is asthma) and the asthma with medication. Our little trip to the lake proved that we were not successfully doing so. I hated the thought of Kade having to get two shots every week for months on end, but I hated even more seeing him struggle to breathe, not being able to enjoy our family vacation, and having him on so many different medications.
Kade has now successfully had four weeks of shots, and I will take him back again today. He actually handles it fairly well. He knows that we're going to get shots, and just marches in like a big boy. He heads straight to the registration desk and tells the receptionist, "Kade Johnson is here!" After he gets his shots, we have to stay for 30 minutes in case he has a reaction. The first three weeks, he didn't have any reaction, but last week he had a slight one. His injection site on one arm became red and a little swollen, and his O2 sats were a little low for a bit. We waited a few minutes and rechecked and they were better. The nurse wasn't for sure if the monitor had picked it up correctly the first time.
You might just keep Kade in your prayers. He has been a trooper for far, but we have many, many more shots to go!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Our Week Long Lake Vacay
I always look forward to our week up at Lake Wilson. The beautiful setting, relaxing, and just spending quality time as a family is awesome. We had another great week this year, with the exception of Kade's allergy and asthma (more on that in later post). The kids had a blast and both cried when we had to leave.
The 4th of July was a little windy, so we ventured to Russell. They have an amazing park and the kids loved it! We stuck around and watched some fireworks later that evening.
Already looking forward to our week at the lake next summer!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Kade is 3!
I have so many blog posts that I need to get caught up on... Tball, our week at the lake, Kade's allergies & asthma, swim lessons... But the most important update is first! Kade turned three last week!!!
Well, we've made it past the terrible two's! But honestly, it really wasn't that bad! I think 3 may be more of a challenge. But that's okay, I'm up for it!
You still love to smile and laugh. It is rare for you not to be giggling or flashing that ornery grin of yours. You also love to make people laugh, and will do almost anything to get us to laugh.
Recently, you have started to really enjoy pushing my buttons and testing limits. Many times I have to take a deep breath, and count to 10. I know it is just a phase, but there are days you wear me out!
While you are very ornery, your sensitive side is starting to be more prevalent as well. You have developed a compassionate and sweetness that I love. You are quick to give hugs if someone is hurting or upset. You randomly give hugs and kisses and tell Daddy and I that you love us all the time. Your newest thing is to say, "Mommy, when I grow up, I marry you!"
You try so hard to keep up with your big sister. Whatever she does or says, you do. You two play interactively so well. I could sit and watch you play for hours!
I sometimes feel a little guilty. I know you didn't get all the one on one attention that Marleigh had for her first two and a half years. It is just harder once there is more than one child, and you have never been one for sitting still. However, you can count to 15, know your colors and shapes, and have recently taken an interest in drawing and coloring.
We went to your well check last week. Officially 46 pounds and 41.5 inches tall. You are one big, healthy boy! You did everything that was asked of you this time! At your last well check, you were stubborn and refused to answer some of the questions! I mentioned to the doctor I had some reservations about whether or not to hold you back a year and do 3 year old preschool next year, but he reassured me that you were both physically and developmentally at a 4 year old level, so we'll give it a shot!
Speaking of which, preschool will start next month, and you are so excited! You FINALLY get to go! The whole last year, you kept asking to go with Sissy. I'm anxious to see all the fun, new things you will learn!
Bubba, being your Mommy is a huge challenge, but an even bigger blessing!
Love you so much,
Well, we've made it past the terrible two's! But honestly, it really wasn't that bad! I think 3 may be more of a challenge. But that's okay, I'm up for it!
You still love to smile and laugh. It is rare for you not to be giggling or flashing that ornery grin of yours. You also love to make people laugh, and will do almost anything to get us to laugh.
Recently, you have started to really enjoy pushing my buttons and testing limits. Many times I have to take a deep breath, and count to 10. I know it is just a phase, but there are days you wear me out!
While you are very ornery, your sensitive side is starting to be more prevalent as well. You have developed a compassionate and sweetness that I love. You are quick to give hugs if someone is hurting or upset. You randomly give hugs and kisses and tell Daddy and I that you love us all the time. Your newest thing is to say, "Mommy, when I grow up, I marry you!"
You try so hard to keep up with your big sister. Whatever she does or says, you do. You two play interactively so well. I could sit and watch you play for hours!
I sometimes feel a little guilty. I know you didn't get all the one on one attention that Marleigh had for her first two and a half years. It is just harder once there is more than one child, and you have never been one for sitting still. However, you can count to 15, know your colors and shapes, and have recently taken an interest in drawing and coloring.
We went to your well check last week. Officially 46 pounds and 41.5 inches tall. You are one big, healthy boy! You did everything that was asked of you this time! At your last well check, you were stubborn and refused to answer some of the questions! I mentioned to the doctor I had some reservations about whether or not to hold you back a year and do 3 year old preschool next year, but he reassured me that you were both physically and developmentally at a 4 year old level, so we'll give it a shot!
Speaking of which, preschool will start next month, and you are so excited! You FINALLY get to go! The whole last year, you kept asking to go with Sissy. I'm anxious to see all the fun, new things you will learn!
Bubba, being your Mommy is a huge challenge, but an even bigger blessing!
Love you so much,
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
I've always known that at some point, Marleigh will start comprehending more about losing her sister. She will ask more questions, and want to know more about her twin sister, Natalie.
A few days ago, Marc and I had driven separately out to our friends' house that live in the country. Kade hopped in with Marc to ride home, and Marleigh got in with me. We turned and drove by the cemetery. We have driven by it many times before, but for some reason, that day Marleigh very quietly asked, "Is that Natalie's cemetery?" I explained that Natalie was at the cemetery out by Garfield, because that is where most of Mommy's family is buried. Marleigh continued very softly, "I really wish my sister was still alive so that I could have a best friend. We could color together, play barbies, and dance together. She'd always be here to be my best friend." As I was getting choked up, I looked in my rear view mirror to see her eyes welling up with tears as well.
I am lucky. I have a sister. We may not have always gotten along perfectly, but I know what an incredible blessing it is to have a sister, a permanent best friend. There is no one in this world that knows more about me than Shannon. For that matter, there is probably no one that knows me better than her, either. There is just a special bond that sisters have. When I stop and think about it, I can't help but feel so sorry that Marleigh won't get to know that kind of special relationship.
Marleigh, however, has something that I had never had, a brother. She has a unique and close relationship with her little brother. They are very much opposites, but it seems to make their relationship work so well. Marleigh is the more reserved, cautious, and often the leader. Kade is loud, fearless, and will do anything to make his big sister smile. They do share one similarity, they are both ferociously protective of the other. Of course it is different than having a sister, but it is just as special. Just the other day, while at a birthday party, another mother got my attention. Marleigh and Kade were walking around holding hands. The other mom inquired if they always got along that well, and I smiled and replied that yes, for the most part, they do. They have their moments, as all siblings do, but they are incredibly close and the best of friends.
After gaining my composure, I told Marleigh that I understood and that I would give anything for her sister to still be here with us, too. I explained that she was lucky, though, to have a little brother and many other friends. I asked her who her best friend was, and she said with a smile, "My Bubba! He is so funny and makes me laugh!" With that, she started chattering about all the silly things her and her brother do, and her carefree, happy little disposition was back.
I know there will always be a void in Marleigh's heart. A place that is special and reserved for her sister. There is the same void in my heart, too. But I am thankful that God blessed her with a brother to fill up the rest of it.
A few days ago, Marc and I had driven separately out to our friends' house that live in the country. Kade hopped in with Marc to ride home, and Marleigh got in with me. We turned and drove by the cemetery. We have driven by it many times before, but for some reason, that day Marleigh very quietly asked, "Is that Natalie's cemetery?" I explained that Natalie was at the cemetery out by Garfield, because that is where most of Mommy's family is buried. Marleigh continued very softly, "I really wish my sister was still alive so that I could have a best friend. We could color together, play barbies, and dance together. She'd always be here to be my best friend." As I was getting choked up, I looked in my rear view mirror to see her eyes welling up with tears as well.
I am lucky. I have a sister. We may not have always gotten along perfectly, but I know what an incredible blessing it is to have a sister, a permanent best friend. There is no one in this world that knows more about me than Shannon. For that matter, there is probably no one that knows me better than her, either. There is just a special bond that sisters have. When I stop and think about it, I can't help but feel so sorry that Marleigh won't get to know that kind of special relationship.
Marleigh, however, has something that I had never had, a brother. She has a unique and close relationship with her little brother. They are very much opposites, but it seems to make their relationship work so well. Marleigh is the more reserved, cautious, and often the leader. Kade is loud, fearless, and will do anything to make his big sister smile. They do share one similarity, they are both ferociously protective of the other. Of course it is different than having a sister, but it is just as special. Just the other day, while at a birthday party, another mother got my attention. Marleigh and Kade were walking around holding hands. The other mom inquired if they always got along that well, and I smiled and replied that yes, for the most part, they do. They have their moments, as all siblings do, but they are incredibly close and the best of friends.
After gaining my composure, I told Marleigh that I understood and that I would give anything for her sister to still be here with us, too. I explained that she was lucky, though, to have a little brother and many other friends. I asked her who her best friend was, and she said with a smile, "My Bubba! He is so funny and makes me laugh!" With that, she started chattering about all the silly things her and her brother do, and her carefree, happy little disposition was back.
I know there will always be a void in Marleigh's heart. A place that is special and reserved for her sister. There is the same void in my heart, too. But I am thankful that God blessed her with a brother to fill up the rest of it.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Marleigh's First Dance Recital
I think I have mentioned before that we have been taking Marleigh over to Pre-Ballet dance class once a week. This past Saturday was her big recital. She was beyond excited!
The dancers are supposed to wear certain makeup colors and all fix their hair the same way. I was a little hesitant about the makeup. Marleigh is only 5 years old. Daddy convinced me a little makeup wouldn't hurt. He didn't want her to be the only without it on. So, I took Marleigh shopping to pick out her makeup. Oh my... she was grinning ear to ear and shrieking, she was so happy.
Marleigh is a very lucky little girl. She had quite the crowd come watch her dance. Grandma and Grandpa Johnson drove all the way from Mound City to see her dance. Aunt Shannon, Luke, and Zoey made the trip from Hutchinson, Great Aunt K made the short drive from Hoisington, and Papa and Gigi were there, too! She had a whole cheering section! We hope they all know how much we appreciate them making the effort to come to the recital!
Makeup on and ready to go! |
The girls' outfits were adorable! |
After the show. I don't think she stopped smiling for the rest of the day! |
The video quality isn't the best, but Marleigh is second from the right.
As we were driving home, I teared up a couple of times. God has done amazing things in Marleigh's young life. I am humbled by His goodness.
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