Thursday, October 10, 2013

More Moments with the Munchkins

A few weeks ago we were in the pick up.  Marleigh has really gotten into phonics, and trying to spell things.  So, we were working on that.  I'd spell something, and she'd sound it out.

Me:  "M-a-r-l-e-i-g-h"
Marleigh:  "That's easy!  Marleigh!"
Me:  "K-a-d-e"
Marleigh:  "Kade!"
Me:  "D-a-d-d-y"
Marleigh:  "Daddy!"

Then Daddy jumped into the game.

Marc:  "M-o-m-m-y"
Marleigh: "Cow!"

Um, thanks, dear!  ;)


Marleigh and Marc have father/daughter popcorn & movie nights where just the two of them pop a bag of popcorn and go into the basement to watch tv.  Marleigh loves her one on one time with her Dad.  Last night, they were snuggling on the couch.  Marc said Marleigh was laying on him with her head on his chest.  A Bubble Guppie episode came on (Kade's favorite show), and Marleigh popped her little head up, put one finger to her lips, and said, "Shhhh....don't tell Bubba!"  She didn't want little brother interrupting her QT with her Daddy!


Kade has been saying, "Love you"  or "Love you, too" as a reply for a while now.  For the first time a few days ago, he walked up to me, gave me a great big hug and said, "Love you, Mommy."  My heart melted.

The other day, Marleigh was playing, and Kade walked up to her, squeezed her around her neck and said, "I love you, Sissy", and kissed her on her forehead.    Quite possibly the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  He was so gentle while hugging her.


Marleigh is a member of the Junior Wildcats club offered through KSU.  She was so excited a few weeks ago, because the Junior Wildcats were to walk around the football field before a game.  But, the morning of the game, she woke up throwing up at 3:00am.  She was completely crushed that she wouldn't be able to go.  When it was finally morning, and Marc woke up, she crawled over (her tummy hurt too bad to walk) to sit on his lap and told him, "Daddy, I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid I'm too sick to go to the KSU game today.  I'm sorry we won't be able to walk around the football field."  She was more concerned with disappointing her Daddy than anything else.  I just love her heart.

Little miss is SO excited.  We are taking her to the game on Saturday.  She won't get to walk around the field, but I'm hoping she will still have fun.  This morning while getting dressed, we could hear her singing, "K-S-U- Wildcats!" over and over.  Go cats!

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