I have so many blog posts that I need to get caught up on... Tball, our week at the lake, Kade's allergies & asthma, swim lessons... But the most important update is first! Kade turned three last week!!!
Well, we've made it past the terrible two's! But honestly, it really wasn't that bad! I think 3 may be more of a challenge. But that's okay, I'm up for it!
You still love to smile and laugh. It is rare for you not to be giggling or flashing that ornery grin of yours. You also love to make people laugh, and will do almost anything to get us to laugh.
Recently, you have started to really enjoy pushing my buttons and testing limits. Many times I have to take a deep breath, and count to 10. I know it is just a phase, but there are days you wear me out!
While you are very ornery, your sensitive side is starting to be more prevalent as well. You have developed a compassionate and sweetness that I love. You are quick to give hugs if someone is hurting or upset. You randomly give hugs and kisses and tell Daddy and I that you love us all the time. Your newest thing is to say, "Mommy, when I grow up, I marry you!"
You try so hard to keep up with your big sister. Whatever she does or says, you do. You two play interactively so well. I could sit and watch you play for hours!
I sometimes feel a little guilty. I know you didn't get all the one on one attention that Marleigh had for her first two and a half years. It is just harder once there is more than one child, and you have never been one for sitting still. However, you can count to 15, know your colors and shapes, and have recently taken an interest in drawing and coloring.
We went to your well check last week. Officially 46 pounds and 41.5 inches tall. You are one big, healthy boy! You did everything that was asked of you this time! At your last well check, you were stubborn and refused to answer some of the questions! I mentioned to the doctor I had some reservations about whether or not to hold you back a year and do 3 year old preschool next year, but he reassured me that you were both physically and developmentally at a 4 year old level, so we'll give it a shot!
Speaking of which, preschool will start next month, and you are so excited! You FINALLY get to go! The whole last year, you kept asking to go with Sissy. I'm anxious to see all the fun, new things you will learn!
Bubba, being your Mommy is a huge challenge, but an even bigger blessing!
Love you so much,