Marleigh has actually done an AMAZING job with her eye patch. The first day was pretty rough. I can't imagine what a challenge it was for her. We covered up her strong eye, the only eye she was really using to see. For the first hour and forty-five minutes, there was nonstop fussing, whining, and crying. I kept trying to reassure her that it was for her own good. That by wearing her eye patch, it would help her. FINALLY, with 15 minutes to go, she came to me very matter of fact and said, "Well, I guess crying and fussing isn't doing me any good, so I'll just be happy to wear my eye patch." That was it. Not a single whine or complaint since. Seems like an awfully mature and brave three year old if you ask me! We did buy her happy face stickers and power cat stickers to decorate her eye patch every day. She really seems to enjoy that part. The doctor had mentioned she would probably shy away from activities with her eye patch on, because they would be more difficult using her weaker eye. He said that if she was content watching a movie, to just let her do that. However, Marleigh has been coloring, playing outside, and doing all her normal activity. I am so proud of her!
The other night, Marleigh was in taking a bubble bath. Kade was wandering through out the house fussing (which is out of character). He went to the bathroom door and was knocking on it. Then he was back out into the living room. Finally, I said, "What do you want, Bubba?" He ran down the hall, back to the bathroom door. Plain as day he said, "I want in bath!" Marc heard it too, so I know I am not crazy! We've been a bit concerned that he isn't speaking very clearly, but he enunciated every syllable of, "I want in bath!" So what was I to do, but strip him down and put him in the tub with his big sissy?!? He instantly started smiling and laughing. Little stinker was so happy he got his way. He made one mistake, though. Now that we know that he CAN talk, he isn't going to get by with grunting and pointing his finger at things!
Tonight, while making dinner, Kade hijacked one of my oven mitts. It is the kind that you can make it look like it talks when you put your hand in it. He grabbed it, put it on his hand, and went on a dead run after Marleigh, yelling, "RRRRRRRRRRR!" She squealed and ran. I really think she was scared of him. He was very proud of himself for terrorizing his big sissy. His, "RRRRRRR!", turned into him laughing at her for squealing, which led to her laughing uncontrollably, as well.
I read two books to Marleigh every night in her bed with her before she goes to sleep. After reading the books last night, she very gently patted my face and said, "You're a pretty good Mommy. I think I'll keep you." The feeling is mutual, baby girl! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
What if?
Over the past few weeks, I've had all these recurring thoughts swirling in my head. Hopefully, I can somewhat navigate through them and make them somewhat cohesive.
The other day, I was speaking with someone and she said to me, "I don't care. It is not my problem." Normally, she is such a giving, compassionate person. It caught me off guard to hear her say something so uncaring. Which led me to start thinking about my life. While I would love to say that I'm a "giver" more than a "taker" I really had to stop and evaluate myself. I love the thought of being a "giver", but when it comes right down to it, do I act on those thoughts? Am I being a good example for my children? Do I really give of myself freely? Oh, I have good intentions all the time, but too often the "it is not my problem" or "I'm too busy between work, kids, house, school" thoughts intercede. Why is it so easy for us to make excuses for ourselves? Then I had a thought. What if God had said, "Well, they are the ones that sinned, so it isn't my problem." Or even Jesus. He was the ultimate "giver". What would have happened if he told God, "I'm sorry. This isn't my burden to bear. It isn't my problem." What a terrifying thought.
Shortly after the above converstation, I ran across this scripture.
Proverbs 3:28
Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"--when you now have it with you.
Not only did I find this scripture once, but three different times it has come up in the last few weeks. I think someone is trying to send me a message. How many times have I put things or people off? If I want to think of myself as a "giver" I need to follow through with my actions, and do it deliberately.
As I mulled over this thought of being more of a "giver", I began to wonder what it would it be like if everyone was a "giver"? Now, I am not one to go on political rants, and I'm not going to use my blog to debate left versus right, but I think the government would have a much easier time if there weren't any "takers" in the world. Imagine if no one sat around wanting to abuse the system. If people weren't so consumed with "me" and looked at the bigger picture. Everyone gave 110% in all aspects of their lives. What if everyone wanted to work hard to better themselves along with society as a whole. People wouldn't have the thought that they were owed anything. Instead, they worked hard and felt compelled to give back. What if?!?
There is always the flip side. Well, if everyone is a "giver", then who are the "takers"? I fully understand that circumstances happen that are beyond our control. Sometimes unavoidable things happen, that may turn a "giver" into a "receiver", but only temporarily. Notice I say "receiver", NOT "taker". A "giver" becomes a "receiver" in certain instances by circumstance, but you can only be a "receiver" if your arms are already outstretched and open from being a "giver". Once the circumstance resolves, the gracious "receiver" then goes back to being a "giver". Only now, the once "receiver" has a much larger appreciation for giving.
In the past few weeks, I have also heard the same song repeatedly, with one line that seems to be speaking to me. It is a Casting Crowns song and it says, "break our hearts for what breaks yours". I just keep coming back to that line. I need to have more empathy and give of myself more. I know that my little utopia that I have illustrated will never exist. But what if I try to be more giving, more Christ like? What if I set a better example for my children? What if?
The other day, I was speaking with someone and she said to me, "I don't care. It is not my problem." Normally, she is such a giving, compassionate person. It caught me off guard to hear her say something so uncaring. Which led me to start thinking about my life. While I would love to say that I'm a "giver" more than a "taker" I really had to stop and evaluate myself. I love the thought of being a "giver", but when it comes right down to it, do I act on those thoughts? Am I being a good example for my children? Do I really give of myself freely? Oh, I have good intentions all the time, but too often the "it is not my problem" or "I'm too busy between work, kids, house, school" thoughts intercede. Why is it so easy for us to make excuses for ourselves? Then I had a thought. What if God had said, "Well, they are the ones that sinned, so it isn't my problem." Or even Jesus. He was the ultimate "giver". What would have happened if he told God, "I'm sorry. This isn't my burden to bear. It isn't my problem." What a terrifying thought.
Shortly after the above converstation, I ran across this scripture.
Proverbs 3:28
Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"--when you now have it with you.
Not only did I find this scripture once, but three different times it has come up in the last few weeks. I think someone is trying to send me a message. How many times have I put things or people off? If I want to think of myself as a "giver" I need to follow through with my actions, and do it deliberately.
As I mulled over this thought of being more of a "giver", I began to wonder what it would it be like if everyone was a "giver"? Now, I am not one to go on political rants, and I'm not going to use my blog to debate left versus right, but I think the government would have a much easier time if there weren't any "takers" in the world. Imagine if no one sat around wanting to abuse the system. If people weren't so consumed with "me" and looked at the bigger picture. Everyone gave 110% in all aspects of their lives. What if everyone wanted to work hard to better themselves along with society as a whole. People wouldn't have the thought that they were owed anything. Instead, they worked hard and felt compelled to give back. What if?!?
There is always the flip side. Well, if everyone is a "giver", then who are the "takers"? I fully understand that circumstances happen that are beyond our control. Sometimes unavoidable things happen, that may turn a "giver" into a "receiver", but only temporarily. Notice I say "receiver", NOT "taker". A "giver" becomes a "receiver" in certain instances by circumstance, but you can only be a "receiver" if your arms are already outstretched and open from being a "giver". Once the circumstance resolves, the gracious "receiver" then goes back to being a "giver". Only now, the once "receiver" has a much larger appreciation for giving.
In the past few weeks, I have also heard the same song repeatedly, with one line that seems to be speaking to me. It is a Casting Crowns song and it says, "break our hearts for what breaks yours". I just keep coming back to that line. I need to have more empathy and give of myself more. I know that my little utopia that I have illustrated will never exist. But what if I try to be more giving, more Christ like? What if I set a better example for my children? What if?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Eye Appointments
Today, both Marleigh and Kade had eye appointments in Wichita. They were both troopers, but Kade was exhausted at the end of his, so he started crying. Big sister didn't like seeing her Bubba crying, so she started crying. :( With both of them crying, I started tearing up. But, we made it!
In basic terms, Marleigh has unequal focus. So, her brain chooses one eye to use primarily. The old adage of "you use it or lose it" holds true. By her brain not using the other eye (in her case the right eye), it becomes weaker. If you would give her a basic normal vision test with both eyes, it would appear she sees fine. And it isn't that her right eye is bad, it is just becoming weak due to the focusing issue. She is young enough that if we can start training her brain to use the right eye, we may be able to correct the problem. It absolutely broke my heart to watch her trying to read the eye chart with her right eye. She struggled. A lot. In order to try to help her, we are giving her a more powerful prescription in her glasses and she will start wearing an eye patch over her good eye for 2 hours every day, so that she HAS to use her right eye. I know this won't be an easy task for her. Right now, she really doesn't like having to use her right eye only. We're trying to play up the aspect that she'll get to be a pirate. I hope that helps! You might say a little prayer for her, that it goes well. We'll try it for the first time tomorrow when we get home.
Kade is showing some signs of the same problem, but not to near the extent of Marleigh. Dr. Whitfill is hoping that his will automatically correct itself, but he will be checked again in one year.
I would never say that Marleigh being born so small was in any way good, but since she was a preemie, we were seeing the opthamologist as a precautionary measure for other issues associated with prematurity. That is how we caught her amblyopia. If it weren't for that, we probably wouldn't have caught her issues until it was too late to correct, so for that, I am very thankful.
After the appointments, we stopped by the NICU. Marleigh got to introduce her little brother to everyone. We got to see quite of few of our favorites including: Dr. Dorn (seriously, my all-time favorite doctor that I or the kids have ever had!), Chris (an awesome Nurse Practitioner/farmer. He's a John Deere guy as well!), Mina, Eva, Stacey, and I'm sure I'm missing a few others. Of course not everyone was working, so we're sorry we missed the rest of you! It was nice for Marleigh to see some of the people that helped her when she was so little and sick. She's been much more interested lately in "when I was a sick, little baby" as she calls it. She was kind of shy, but she did spell her name for them. She has come so far! It really is insane how quickly all those old emotions come back, just being in the NICU.
After the NICU, we met up with Aunt Monica for some dinner. Most places we eat, the kids meals are more than enough for the kids to split. I just ordered one. Both the kiddos were hungry hippos. They ate all of their dinner, and one of Aunt Monica's chicken strips. We then ordered them ice cream since they had done such a good job at their eye appointments. When we got the bill, Marc was really staring at it. We didn't realize, but kids meals were only $.99 on Tuesday nights. Marc laughed at me and joked, "We can only spend a buck on their dinner, but we'll spend $8 on ice cream for them!" I'm sure I'll never live that one down.
After we ate, we went back to Aunt Monica's for a little bit to play and unwind. Monica had a tub of old Halloween costumes, etc., which equals a ton of fun for a one year old and three year old.
Thanks for the laughs, Aunt Monica. We had fun at your new apartment! :)
In basic terms, Marleigh has unequal focus. So, her brain chooses one eye to use primarily. The old adage of "you use it or lose it" holds true. By her brain not using the other eye (in her case the right eye), it becomes weaker. If you would give her a basic normal vision test with both eyes, it would appear she sees fine. And it isn't that her right eye is bad, it is just becoming weak due to the focusing issue. She is young enough that if we can start training her brain to use the right eye, we may be able to correct the problem. It absolutely broke my heart to watch her trying to read the eye chart with her right eye. She struggled. A lot. In order to try to help her, we are giving her a more powerful prescription in her glasses and she will start wearing an eye patch over her good eye for 2 hours every day, so that she HAS to use her right eye. I know this won't be an easy task for her. Right now, she really doesn't like having to use her right eye only. We're trying to play up the aspect that she'll get to be a pirate. I hope that helps! You might say a little prayer for her, that it goes well. We'll try it for the first time tomorrow when we get home.
Kade is showing some signs of the same problem, but not to near the extent of Marleigh. Dr. Whitfill is hoping that his will automatically correct itself, but he will be checked again in one year.
I would never say that Marleigh being born so small was in any way good, but since she was a preemie, we were seeing the opthamologist as a precautionary measure for other issues associated with prematurity. That is how we caught her amblyopia. If it weren't for that, we probably wouldn't have caught her issues until it was too late to correct, so for that, I am very thankful.
After the appointments, we stopped by the NICU. Marleigh got to introduce her little brother to everyone. We got to see quite of few of our favorites including: Dr. Dorn (seriously, my all-time favorite doctor that I or the kids have ever had!), Chris (an awesome Nurse Practitioner/farmer. He's a John Deere guy as well!), Mina, Eva, Stacey, and I'm sure I'm missing a few others. Of course not everyone was working, so we're sorry we missed the rest of you! It was nice for Marleigh to see some of the people that helped her when she was so little and sick. She's been much more interested lately in "when I was a sick, little baby" as she calls it. She was kind of shy, but she did spell her name for them. She has come so far! It really is insane how quickly all those old emotions come back, just being in the NICU.
After the NICU, we met up with Aunt Monica for some dinner. Most places we eat, the kids meals are more than enough for the kids to split. I just ordered one. Both the kiddos were hungry hippos. They ate all of their dinner, and one of Aunt Monica's chicken strips. We then ordered them ice cream since they had done such a good job at their eye appointments. When we got the bill, Marc was really staring at it. We didn't realize, but kids meals were only $.99 on Tuesday nights. Marc laughed at me and joked, "We can only spend a buck on their dinner, but we'll spend $8 on ice cream for them!" I'm sure I'll never live that one down.
After we ate, we went back to Aunt Monica's for a little bit to play and unwind. Monica had a tub of old Halloween costumes, etc., which equals a ton of fun for a one year old and three year old.
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This green mullet was initially worn by Daddy for Fake Patty's Day in Manhattan a few years ago. |
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Marleigh was cracking up about these glasses. She thought they were just hilarious! |
Thanks for the laughs, Aunt Monica. We had fun at your new apartment! :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Just some of our day to day life....
The other day, Marc had the kids out in the backyard playing. Marc needed to use the restroom, so he found a tree, and turned his back. Marleigh marched right over to him.
Marleigh (with hands on her hips): Dad, just what do you think you are doing?
Marc: I'm going to the bathroom.
Marleigh (still with hands on her hips): Uh, Dad. This is NOT the bathroom.
Marleigh: Mom, may I please have some chocolate milk?
Me: You've already had some today.
Marleigh: But Mom.... I REALLY want some chocolate milk, PUH-LEASE?!?
Me: I'll make you a deal. If you promise to clean your plate at dinner tonight, you may have some chocolate milk.
Marleigh: Well, I guess in that case, I don't really want chocolate milk THAT bad. White milk will be fine.
And what has Bubba been up to? Well, within a period of about 45 minutes, he put big sister's camera in the washing machine and was pushing buttons (thank goodness he didn't start it!), opened the drawer to my kitchen towels, pulled them all out, then opened the cabinet to the trash and started throwing them all into the trash can, and pulled over the kids' play kitchen on himself. Don't get me wrong.... I'm not complaining about him at all. He is really such a happy, sweet, little boy, but he is also THE most curious little thing ever! Keeps me on my toes! :)
Marleigh (with hands on her hips): Dad, just what do you think you are doing?
Marc: I'm going to the bathroom.
Marleigh (still with hands on her hips): Uh, Dad. This is NOT the bathroom.
Marleigh: Mom, may I please have some chocolate milk?
Me: You've already had some today.
Marleigh: But Mom.... I REALLY want some chocolate milk, PUH-LEASE?!?
Me: I'll make you a deal. If you promise to clean your plate at dinner tonight, you may have some chocolate milk.
Marleigh: Well, I guess in that case, I don't really want chocolate milk THAT bad. White milk will be fine.
And what has Bubba been up to? Well, within a period of about 45 minutes, he put big sister's camera in the washing machine and was pushing buttons (thank goodness he didn't start it!), opened the drawer to my kitchen towels, pulled them all out, then opened the cabinet to the trash and started throwing them all into the trash can, and pulled over the kids' play kitchen on himself. Don't get me wrong.... I'm not complaining about him at all. He is really such a happy, sweet, little boy, but he is also THE most curious little thing ever! Keeps me on my toes! :)
This happened tonight after I had posted this today.
I heard Kade fussing a little tonight. Here is how I found him.
Pretty bad when you get your rear kicked by a laundry basket, son!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Just a little update
Well, let's see.... there's been quite a bit going on lately!
Saturday, the 22nd, Aunt Monica and her boyfriend came for a visit. Man, our kids sure are lucky to have so many wonderful aunts and uncles that love them! Both Marleigh and Kade had an amazing time playing with Aunt Monica.
Sunday morning, the 23rd, Marc flew out to Wyoming for meetings all week. I'm not sure who hates it more. Daddy that he has to be away from us that long or the kids. Kade was walking around the house with one hand in the air repeating over and over, "Where, Dada?"
Late Sunday afternoon, Kade was running down the hallway. He randomly threw up. I'm talking a big boy, full fledged puke, on a dead run. It was everywhere. On the wall, on the floor, on him. I was so dreading the thought of him coming down with the flu. Turns out, just a random isolated event! Praise God!!!
Our other "mess" of the week came on Tuesday evening. When I went to pick up the kids from Ashley's house, Marleigh was down for her nap. When we got her up, she had had a #2 accident. I asked Ashley for a plastic bag, and told her I'd clean up her undies when we got home. By the time we got home, I forgot they were in the car. While stripping down the kids for bath time, I remembered the dirty undies in the car. So, I washed up Kade like I always do, and got him out of the tub. He was playing contently in Marleigh's room, and she was still playing in her bath. I went out and got the undies and was just getting them out of the plastic bag, when Marleigh screamed. Without thinking, I dropped the dirty panties and ran to the bathroom. She was needing to use the potty, so I quickly got her out of her bath, and she did her business. Then I heard a happy little chuckle coming down the hallway. In the 20 seconds that I had left the laundry room, and helped Marleigh, Bubba had ran from Marleigh's room to the laundry room, found the dirty underwear, and had poo EVERYWHERE. And he was quite pleased with himself. Really never thought I would have to tell my child, "We don't play in poop!" He laughed the entire time that I was cleaning him up and giving him another bath. I joked that Daddy sure did pick the right time to be gone on business! Ha!
Friday, Marc got home from Wyoming around 4:30. I had the camper loaded up, so he just hooked onto it and we were on our way back to Mound City for Matt's Memorial Softball tournament. We ended up stopping in Emporia and camping in the Wal-mart parking lot Friday night. Marleigh was bouncing off the walls. She loves "her" camper as she calls it. The bunk in the back is her "special princess bed".
Saturday, Blazin' Saddles made our 5th appearance. We have such a great time, but still are looking for our first "W". It is always such a great day spending time with family, and seeing friends. I know Marc, along with the rest of the family, truly appreciates everyone that plays or takes time to come to the tournament. Between playing ball, naps, meals, and chasing a non-stop Bubba, I didn't manage to get any pictures through out the day. I'm sure I can hit up Uncle Jerry for some pictures to share. He always seems to capture such great shots!
We camped at Marc's parents Saturday night. I must say, the camper worked perfectly. The maiden voyage of the ol' RV went great!
Sunday morning, we chatted with the family for a little while, then hit the road. The kiddos were so tuckered out from all the fun.
We got home late Sunday afternoon just in time for the kids to head to Papa and Gigi's house. I wasn't going to mention it because it was really no big deal (but just in case someone else ever experiences the same thing, it might be helpful to know what it is), but I had an outpatient surgery this morning. I had no idea it was even possible, but apparently in less than 1% of all C-sections, some of the cells from inside the uterus can wind up in the abdominal cavity, and they can attach themselves and start to grow. Without a way for those cells to shed every month, it will continue to grow until it can be surgically removed. If left too long, it can grow and attach to other organs.
The actual complication is called an "endometrioma". Like I said, I had never even heard of this. I had a small lump right on my C-section scar that had been growing and becoming a little painful. I happened to have my annual appointment with my doctor that delivered Kade, and he told me what it was. I am so thankful that I had that appointment. It was one of those things, that I don't think would have warranted a special trip to the doctor. Kind of a, "Hey, since I'm here, what is this?" type of a thing. He referred me to general surgeon.
Surgery was this morning. Just a quick in and out. But according to Marc, "They should put you under more often! You're hilarious when waking up!" Very glad to have it done, and grateful to my awesome OBGYN for catching it and for the surgeon this morning. I should be good as new in a few days!
Saturday, the 22nd, Aunt Monica and her boyfriend came for a visit. Man, our kids sure are lucky to have so many wonderful aunts and uncles that love them! Both Marleigh and Kade had an amazing time playing with Aunt Monica.
Sunday morning, the 23rd, Marc flew out to Wyoming for meetings all week. I'm not sure who hates it more. Daddy that he has to be away from us that long or the kids. Kade was walking around the house with one hand in the air repeating over and over, "Where, Dada?"
Late Sunday afternoon, Kade was running down the hallway. He randomly threw up. I'm talking a big boy, full fledged puke, on a dead run. It was everywhere. On the wall, on the floor, on him. I was so dreading the thought of him coming down with the flu. Turns out, just a random isolated event! Praise God!!!
Our other "mess" of the week came on Tuesday evening. When I went to pick up the kids from Ashley's house, Marleigh was down for her nap. When we got her up, she had had a #2 accident. I asked Ashley for a plastic bag, and told her I'd clean up her undies when we got home. By the time we got home, I forgot they were in the car. While stripping down the kids for bath time, I remembered the dirty undies in the car. So, I washed up Kade like I always do, and got him out of the tub. He was playing contently in Marleigh's room, and she was still playing in her bath. I went out and got the undies and was just getting them out of the plastic bag, when Marleigh screamed. Without thinking, I dropped the dirty panties and ran to the bathroom. She was needing to use the potty, so I quickly got her out of her bath, and she did her business. Then I heard a happy little chuckle coming down the hallway. In the 20 seconds that I had left the laundry room, and helped Marleigh, Bubba had ran from Marleigh's room to the laundry room, found the dirty underwear, and had poo EVERYWHERE. And he was quite pleased with himself. Really never thought I would have to tell my child, "We don't play in poop!" He laughed the entire time that I was cleaning him up and giving him another bath. I joked that Daddy sure did pick the right time to be gone on business! Ha!
Friday, Marc got home from Wyoming around 4:30. I had the camper loaded up, so he just hooked onto it and we were on our way back to Mound City for Matt's Memorial Softball tournament. We ended up stopping in Emporia and camping in the Wal-mart parking lot Friday night. Marleigh was bouncing off the walls. She loves "her" camper as she calls it. The bunk in the back is her "special princess bed".
Saturday, Blazin' Saddles made our 5th appearance. We have such a great time, but still are looking for our first "W". It is always such a great day spending time with family, and seeing friends. I know Marc, along with the rest of the family, truly appreciates everyone that plays or takes time to come to the tournament. Between playing ball, naps, meals, and chasing a non-stop Bubba, I didn't manage to get any pictures through out the day. I'm sure I can hit up Uncle Jerry for some pictures to share. He always seems to capture such great shots!
We camped at Marc's parents Saturday night. I must say, the camper worked perfectly. The maiden voyage of the ol' RV went great!
Sunday morning, we chatted with the family for a little while, then hit the road. The kiddos were so tuckered out from all the fun.
We got home late Sunday afternoon just in time for the kids to head to Papa and Gigi's house. I wasn't going to mention it because it was really no big deal (but just in case someone else ever experiences the same thing, it might be helpful to know what it is), but I had an outpatient surgery this morning. I had no idea it was even possible, but apparently in less than 1% of all C-sections, some of the cells from inside the uterus can wind up in the abdominal cavity, and they can attach themselves and start to grow. Without a way for those cells to shed every month, it will continue to grow until it can be surgically removed. If left too long, it can grow and attach to other organs.
The actual complication is called an "endometrioma". Like I said, I had never even heard of this. I had a small lump right on my C-section scar that had been growing and becoming a little painful. I happened to have my annual appointment with my doctor that delivered Kade, and he told me what it was. I am so thankful that I had that appointment. It was one of those things, that I don't think would have warranted a special trip to the doctor. Kind of a, "Hey, since I'm here, what is this?" type of a thing. He referred me to general surgeon.
Surgery was this morning. Just a quick in and out. But according to Marc, "They should put you under more often! You're hilarious when waking up!" Very glad to have it done, and grateful to my awesome OBGYN for catching it and for the surgeon this morning. I should be good as new in a few days!
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